Greg Chapuis Resource Teacher for the Gifted Oakridge Elementary School February, 2014
Question Cards Do you have a specific question? Please write your question(s) Your name Your child’s name Your contact information The best time for me to contact you
Virginia Gifted Regulations Virginia Department of Education regulations state that each school district must develop a plan to identify and provide services to those students who have learning needs beyond the regular instructional program.
APS Compliance with VA Regulations Identify students who require services Establish and provide continuous educational services to match the needs of gifted learners Train teachers in ways to provide services Support differentiated instruction to meet the needs of gifted students
Gifted Services Identification Specific Academic Aptitude Grades K-12 English (Reading and Writing) Mathematics Science Social Studies Visual or Performing Arts Grades 3-12 Visual Art Vocal Music Instrumental Music (instruments taught in APS)
Screening for Gifted Services Formal Measures Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Review of testing information Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Naglieri Nonverbal Abilities Test (NNAT2) School-based assessments Informal Measures Teacher feedback Parent information Honors/Awards Student participation in events or competitions
Gifted Services Referrals Who can make a referral? Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Classroom teacher(s) Resource Teacher for the Gifted (RTG) Community leaders School Administrators Students Referrals can be made at any point in the year until April 1 st Referrals made after April 1 st are held until the next school year Referral forms can be found at: 846
Eligibility Criteria: Specific Academic Area (Gr. K-12) Nationally-Normed Assessments Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (KBIT-2) Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT2) (Grade 2) Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) (Grade 4) Test of Mathematical Abilities for Gifted Students (TOMAGS) Stanford 10 (prior to 2013) School-based Assessment Data (based on referred area) Writing samples Math Exemplars Quarterly Math Assessments SOL scores Work samples
Eligibility Criteria: Specific Academic Area cont. Teacher Checklist: Observation of Academic Behaviors Parent Information Questionnaire Alternate Measures: work samples
Eligibility Criteria: Visual/Performing Arts (Gr. 3-12) Student Products Grades Art or Music Teacher Checklist: Observations of Artistic Behaviors Parent Information Questionnaire
Gifted Services Eligibility Decisions Decisions are made by a school-based committee Committee members include: Principal Assistant Principal Classroom teacher(s) Resource Teacher for the Gifted (RTG) Math Coach* Reading Specialist* School Counselor*
Appeals Process An Appeal is available to families following the eligibility process: Appeals begin at the school level with the principal A second level of appeal is a county-wide Gifted Services Administrative Appeals Committee (must be submitted in writing within 30 days of the school level committee decision)
Gifted Services Identification Teacher awareness of student’s abilities and understanding of student’s instructional needs Experiences to work with other students who have the ability to reason and problem solve at a high level RTG availability to support student’s performance and educational program
Parent Resources APS Gifted Services Gifted Services Advisory Committee Virginia Association for the Gifted (VAG) National Association for the Gifted (NAGC) Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG )
Questions? Do you have a specific question? Please write your question(s) Your name Your child’s name Your contact information The best time for me to contact you
Contact Information Greg Chapuis, Resource Teacher for the Gifted Phone: Cheryl McCullough, Supervisor of Gifted Services Phone: