Introduction  Today, children everywhere are easily influenced by the things they watch on television, as well as the commercials. Children today watch.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction  Today, children everywhere are easily influenced by the things they watch on television, as well as the commercials. Children today watch far more television than children did in the early days of TV. In addition, they are online where advertising is prevalent as well. The influence of advertising has permitted much of what our children do and see. In many cases, children tend to misinterpret the messages conveyed through the advertisement. They end up having wrong notions about many issues. Advertising influences the minds of children, which creates a need to own that particular product being advertised.

Some parents back then and even today never stopped to think what the effects of their kid would obtain from a television screen yet they still allowed them to abuse the “fun” commercials advertisements. Mainly parents fault No Nutrition No Exercise Gaining weight Poor hygiene less Grooming Decreases self esteem reasoning Less education Unhealth y Choices Unhealth y body Physical effects on kids

 It is shown that tobacco ads are banned on TV and that young people still see people smoking on programs and movies shown on television. The tobacco industry uses product placement in films. Smoking in movies increased throughout the 1990s.  Internal tobacco industry documents show that the tobacco industry purposefully markets their product to younger people. The industry uses subtle strategies like logos at sporting events, product placement, and celebrities smoking weed to get around the ban on TV advertising for their products.  Kids who watch more TV start smoking at an earlier age. The relationship between television viewing and age of starting smoking was stronger than that of peer smoking, parental smoking, and gender.  Recent research has shown that exposure to smoking in movie characters increases the chances that viewers will associate themselves with smoking.

 By age 18, if the man or woman is still in the habit of smoking or continuously gaining weight from unhealthy eating, then it would most likely mean that it would be very hard to overcome these habits without much dedication and hard work.  Many of the kids are shown disconnected with their relatives that effect their lives.

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