DIRECT BULLYING Teasing Taunting Threatening Hitting Stealing
INDIRECT BULLYING Spreading rumors Social isolation
EXTENT OF THE PROBLEM 15% of students are bullied 6% of teenage suicides may be a direct result of being bullied
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BULLY Needs to feel powerful Satisfaction from others suffering Has little or no empathy Usually says victim provoked him Defiant toward adults Apt to break school rules
THE VICTIM Considers school as an unsafe, unhappy place Is isolated because peers do not want to associate with them Leads to depression and low self-esteem Causes problems that can carry into adulthood
WRONG PERCEPTIONS Telling teachers will only bring more harassment from bullies Students feel adult intervention is ineffective So won’t tell parents either
SCHOOL INTERVENTIONS Must involve entire school Implement curricular measures Conflict resolution Assertiveness training Peer counseling
CLASS AND INDIVIDUAL INTERVENTIONS Increase adult supervision at key times (PE, lunch, hall) Class rules Role playing Inform parents Activities to reduce social isolation