BATTLE of LEYTE GULF October 1944 Last, largest and most decisive naval engagement in the Pacific Disaster for the Japanese Japanese lost 4 aircraft carriers Japanese lost 3 battleships Japanese lost several cruisers Japanese NO longer any real threat Meanwhile back in the Pacific…
October 20, 1944: General Douglas MacArthur RETURNS to the Philippines! Meanwhile back in the Pacific… I’m a little late, but we finally came!
February 19, March 26, 1945: Battle of Iwo Jima
Potsdam Conference: July 1945 (FDR Died 4/12/1945 ) Atlee, Truman, Stalin Divide Germany Divide Berlin How to end war in Pacific USA HAS atomic bomb Ask for Japanese surrender 70,000 US Marines V. 22,000 Japanese soldiers 216 Japanese taken prisoner 3,000 hid in caves for weeks/ years (last one surrendered in 1951) US casualties: 6,821 killed 19,000 wounded February 19, March 26, 1945: Battle of Iwo Jima
Japanese Kamikaze Pilots “Divine Wind” 3,860 pilots killed 18.6% of them successfully sunk Allied ships Attacks began in October 1944 Battle of Iwo Jima Battle of Okinawa
“Little Boy” “Fat Man” Colonel Paul Tibbets Dr. Robert J. Oppenheimer General Leslie Groves Albert Einstein?
©66,000 – 80,000killed immediately. ©48,000 buildings. destroyed. ©100,000s died of radiation poisoning and cancer later. August 6, 1945 Bombing of Hiroshima
August 9, 1945 Bombing of Nagasaki ©40,000 killed immediately. ©60,000 injured. ©100,000s died of radiation poisoning & cancer later.
V-J Day: September 2, 1945 USS Missouri
Casualties The total estimated human loss =roughly 72 million people. The civilian toll = 47 million, including 20 million deaths due to war related famine and disease. The military toll = 25 million, including the deaths of about 4 million prisoners of war in captivity. The Allies lost approx 61 million people, and the Axis powers lost 11 million. Effects:
Beginning of the Cold War By late 1940s = divided Germany = Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” (1946) West = capitalist nations of Western Europe East = Soviet control (including Poland) Truman Doctrine 1947 = CONTAINMENT Approximately 5.7 million (78%) of the 7.3 million Jews, in occupied Europe, perished in the Holocaust, compared to the non Jewish victims of the Nazis which are estimated between 5 to 11 million ( 1.4% to 3.0%) of the 360 million persons in German dominated Europe The Holocaust Revealed Hitler’s FINAL SOLUTION