10-3 Solving Quadratic Equations
Quadratic Function (y = ax 2 +bx+c) Quadratic Equation ( ax 2 +bx+c=0)
The solution to a quadratic equation are the x-intercepts of its quadratic function.
A quadratic equation usually has two solutions, but it can also have one solution or no solution!
The solutions are the x-intercepts…. one solutiontwo solutionsno solution
You can solve it by graphing, solving, factoring or by using the quadratic formula (section 10-6)
Solving by graphing Just graph the equation and identify the x-intercept(s).
Solving by solving/factoring Solve(simplify) the equation. Example: The solution is 0.
Solving by solving/factoring Solve(simplify) the equation. Example: The solution is ±4.
Solving by solving/factoring Solve(simplify) the equation. Example: There is no solution.
Solving by solving/factoring Factor the equation, then set each factor equal to zero and solve. Example: The solutions are ±5.
Solving by solving/factoring Factor the equation, then set each factor equal to zero and solve. Example: The solutions are -2 and -3.
Solving by solving/factoring Factor the equation, then set each factor equal to zero and solve. Example: The solution is -4.