DAVID VAN WAGENER NOVEMBER 26, 2008 CHE 384: TECHNOLOGY REPORT Nuclear Power: Advanced Generations and Outlook
Why do we like nuclear power? Nuclear power production has “zero emissions” 97% of waste is low/intermediate level Safer designs are being engineered, making a “Chernobyl” far less likely Nuclear power boasts greater efficiency than older technologies
Nuclear Power Basics Sustained nuclear fission of heavy elements releases energy Fission is controlled by using neutron poisons and moderators E nuclear = 1e8 * E chemical Annual fuel for 1000 MW plant 3 million tons of coal 36 tons of enriched uranium Thermal energy from fission creates steam for power production
Generations of Nuclear Technology Generation I Prototype technology, very few still operational First reactor designs developed in 1950s and 1960s Run on natural uranium (0.7% 235 U), moderated with graphite Generation II Includes reactor designs most widely found today Produced through 1990s Mostly run on enriched uranium (3-4% 235 U), water moderated Design types include: Boiling water reactor Pressurized water reactor
New Generation Technology Generation III Implements enhanced safety features compared to Generation II These “advanced reactors” and began utilizing: Standard designs between all models Improved models with extended operating lives (≈60 years) Higher burn up, reducing fuel use and waste “Passive safety mechanisms” Natural resistance to high temperatures Design types include: Light water reactors (advanced BWR’s, advanced PWR’ s) Heavy water reactors (CANDU)
Future Technologies Generation III+ More advanced safety features Plans have been adopted, operational plants by 2010 Generation IV Heavily researched, but only theoretical (so far) Advanced designs use new coolants like supercritical water, helium, and molten salt Like previous generation advancements, the primary focus is: Improved safety mechanisms Decreased cost of construction and operation
Pebble Bed Reactors Very high-temperature gas cooled reactor Helium cools fuel pebbles and transfers thermal energy to turbines Helium does not carry radioactivity “Pebble” fuel contains uranium oxycarbide fuel coated in carbon layers, surrounded by graphite and encased in silicon carbide Generates heat up to 1000°C, ideal for applications like S-I cycle for H 2 production
A Future for Nuclear Energy? Approximate uranium resources = 5500 kt Annual usage = 65 kt 15% of global demand, 20% of US demand Uranium reserves will run out in: 84 years at current usage rate 42 years if nuclear power becomes 100% of US energy 13 years if nuclear power becomes 100% of global energy Thorium has larger reserves and is proposed as alternate fuel Breeder reactors are considered a solution, but their safety is scrutinized
Conclusions Evolving nuclear technology is developing safer and more efficient plants Future generation technology could help support a hydrogen economy “The End of Uranium” could be a heavy factor determining the upcoming role of uranium in energy production Chernobyl and Three Mile Island still make people wary to fully welcome nuclear power
References DOE. (2003, January). DOE Fundamentals Handbook: Nuclear Physics and Reactor Theory. Retrieved November 9, 2008, from DOE. (n.d.). What Is Generation IV? Retrieved November 10, 2008, from U. S. Department of Energy: Gen IV International Forum. (n.d.). GEN-4: Technology: Systems. Retrieved November 7, 2008, from Hore-Lacy, I. (2008, March 3). Nuclear Power Reactor. Retrieved November 9, 2008, from Encyclopedia of Earth: Laboratoire de Physique. (2001, November). Molten Salt Reactors Based on the Th-U3 Fuel Cycle. Retrieved November 11, 2008, from Tester, J. W., Drake, E. M., Driscoll, M. J., Golay, M. W., & Peters, W. A. (2005). Sustainable Energy. Boston: MIT Press. Westinghouse. (n.d.). PWR Cycle. Retrieved November 9, 2008, from Nuclear Tourist: WNA. (2006, June). Radioactive Wastes-Myths and Realities. Retrieved November 9, 2008, from World Nuclear Association: World Nuclear Association. (2008, June). Supply of Uranium: WNA. Retrieved November 7, 2008, from