Political Cartoons
What are political cartoons? Art form that serves as a medium for expressing opinions on political, economic, environmental, cultural or social issues Makes use of humor, historical events, and stereotypes to convey message Often use symbols to represent objects, people or organizations
How can they be effective? Can address a controversial issue without any written text Have mass appeal They are humorous Emotional impact
Satire in comic form Usually include: –Exaggeration/hyperbole –Irony –Metaphors Usually target: –Politicians/government –Celebrities –Problems in society
Cartoon Analysis Questions 1.What is the setting of the cartoon? Describe what you see. 2.Who are the characters/symbols in the cartoon and what do they represent? 3.What issue is being portrayed? What type of issue is it? (political, economic, environmental, social, cultural, and military) 4.What is the message being expressed? Is it positive or negative? 5.Do you think the cartoon is effective? Why or why not? 6.Do you agree with the cartoonist’s point of view? Why or why not? 7.How effective is the title for the cartoon?
History ’ s Political Cartoons
Today ’ s Political Cartoons