Political Parties
Two Party System Two primary political parties Negatives Republican Democrat Negatives Two extremes—where is the middle ground? Voters sometimes vote for the lesser of two evils Absence of successful third parties with important ideas
Republican Party (GOP) Formed in 1854 to oppose slavery Represents “conservative” values Conservative: Traditional and protective of the way things are such as Christian values, strong military protection, and small government Examples: Abraham Lincoln Teddy Roosevelt Richard Nixon Ronald Reagan George Bush (both of them) Originated in a political cartoon; a donkey dressed in lion’s clothes was scaring animals at the zoo—including an elephant
Republican Presidents
Republican Party: What they stand for Small government Lower taxes Privatization of healthcare (not government run) Big military/National security Supported Iraq War/Afghanistan War Strong stance on border control Gun rights Pro-death penalty Pro-life Anti-abortion
2012 Republican Candidate Mitt Romney “Believe in America” “Restore America’s Promise”
Democratic Party Formed in 1830 by Andrew Jackson as a voice for the middle class Represents “liberal” values Liberal: Open-minded toward all peoples, religions, and lifestyles and favoring change Examples: Andrew Jackson Woodrow Wilson Franklin Delano Roosevelt John F. Kennedy Bill Clinton Barack Obama Originated when opponents of Andrew Jackson referred to him as… well… you know…
Democratic Presidents
Democratic Party: What they stand for Big government Raise taxes on upper-class Lower taxes on middle-class Universal healthcare (government funded) Smaller military Wants to end war Civil rights Women, racial, and gay rights Lighter stance on border control (amnesty) Limitations on gun rights Anti-death penalty Pro-choice
2012 Democratic Candidate Barack Obama “Forward”
Other Current Political Parties Libertarian Party: More individual freedoms, smaller government (almost non-existent) Green Party: Strong focus on environmental protection and peace Constitution Party: Committed to protecting the rights of the Constitution, limiting the power of government, and protecting traditional values