Welcome We've developed this visual, interactive training guide to help you understand the Drug and Alcohol Treatment Waiting Times Database. It provides an overview of the database and dataset with guidance on recording data. To operate, you simply click on the screen. Each time you do, advice and guidance to using the database and dataset will be highlighted.
If you experience any other difficulties logging in, please contact ISD at the address or mailbox provided. If you cannot remember your password, please contact System Administrator to reset. Log in with your Username and Password provided by ISD. Changes to the terms and conditions for using the database will be detailed at the following link.
If you have access to the SMR25 database in addition to Waiting Times, you will be presented with an option to select which database you wish to use. Select the option with prefix ‘WT’ and click on ‘Continue’ to proceed. In this example, you would select WT Service System User.
The banner will reflect that you have accessed the waiting times database. Your username and access level will be highlighted too. Your service name will be highlighted. Once logged in to the web system, the Home screen will be displayed showing your service details. The left hand side menu will display a list of the available options for you to make use of. Logged in as a WT Service System User, you will have access to the following options:
On selecting option ‘Waiting Times Records’, you will be presented with 3 options; to create a ‘New Record’, ‘Search’ for an existing record to edit or extract data from the database via file extract. Prior to registering a new client on the database, you must perform a ‘Search’ of the database to locate any ‘Open’ records associated with the client.
The ‘Search’ screen provides 4 methods by which to search for records. However, only one option can be selected to perform a search. The default will be on Client Details, Open Waiting Time Records. Client Details Search will return records based upon criteria entered, whether full or partial details are included. By entering the Unique Waiting Time Record Number, the system will retrieve the exact record from the database. Search can be performed by CHI number if this has been recorded on the client record. This would not be available to clients registered anonymously. You can restrict the search to include only Open Waiting Time Records (live records) or Closed Waiting Time Records (removed/discharged) or both. The default will be on Open Waiting Time Records. You can search by a unique reference number used in your own local system, if recorded. The search can also be restricted to anonymous clients only. Once you have chosen your search option, select search.
The search result has retrieved a record which exactly matched the client details search criteria. To open the record, click on ‘Drug Misuse’ from the column headed, ‘Client Type’ Record information will be displayed beneath their respective column headers. Data within these columns can also be sorted in order by clicking on the column header.
If a new record is to be created, please select the option New Record from the blue navigation panel. When creating a new record, certain information is mandatory; Client Type, Forename, Surname, D.O.B and Gender. Postcode, Ethnicity, Disability / Additional Needs, CHI Number and Local Reference are not mandatory but should be recorded if the information is available. On the rare occasion that a client does request to be recorded as anonymous, you must only record Local Reference ID, Gender and select the option that client wishes to be anonymous. The anonymity default setting for new Waiting Time records is set at No. Once all relevant details have been entered, select the option ‘Next’. If the client details partially or exactly match those with an open record, a warning will appear.
A Yellow Warning will appear if the details have partially matched an open record. As you can see from the example above, the client details for William Shakespeare have matched the Client Type and partially matched the clients name and D.O.B. If this is definitely not the same client, please select the option ‘Continue’, to create a new record. If this is the same client, with some anomaly regarding client details, click on ‘Drug Misuse’ from the column headed, ‘Client Type. This will open up the client record for the User to edit. If changes are required to client details, then please contact ISD to amend.
A red Warning will appear if the details have exactly matched an open record. As you can see from the example above, if the client’s forename on the New Record screen had been recorded as Billy, it would have matched perfectly with the record above. As this is an exact match, the User should click on ‘Drug Misuse’ from the column headed, ‘Client Type. This will open up the client record for the you to edit.
The data capture screen for the client record consists of one page and can be manipulated by using the vertical scroll bar. The client details will be recorded on the top right of the screen. This will consist of the unique Waiting Time Episode Number, Client Name (unless recorded as anonymous) and Service ID. Date Referral Received and Source of Referral are both mandatory. All DNA’s, CNA’s and appointments cancelled by Service for Assessment, must be recorded. One non-attendance category must be recorded for each non-attendance. Date offered for assessment is the date of the first appointment offered to the client to identify their needs and aspirations with a view to establishing a clear statement of the type and level of treatment, care and support. The Assessment start date is the actual date the client attends for their assessment appointment. Date Referral made is the date on which a referral is made to a service. Date Referral received is the date a referral notification is received by the agency or the date that the client first made contact with an agency as a result of problem drug/alcohol use, including written, face-to-face and telephone contact. Select one option from the drop-down-menu. By using a combination of the Add and Update functions, you can record all Assessment Dates offered, including details on non-attendance information.
Recovery Plan Agreed date, is the date the recovery plan is signed off by a client and staff. In the absence of a recovery plan, the date that agency staff and the client agree the type and level of treatment, care and support to be provided. This date will be the same as Recovery Plan Agreed Date. The type of structured care initially required by the client as stated in the care plan or agreed with client. Select from the drop- down-menu. Date offered for beginning of the type of structured care initially required by the client as stated in the recovery plan or agreed with the client. The date the client attends the first treatment appointment for the type of structured care initially required by the client as stated in the recovery plan or agreed with the client. By using a combination of the Add and Update functions, you can record all treatment details, including non- attendance information.
Once the minimum treatment details have been recorded, you will be presented with the option ‘Show Attendance Details’. On selecting this option, a window will appear allowing you to record non attendance details for treatment.
Please note, that the text ‘Show Attendance Details’ has now changed, to ‘Hide Attendance Details’. On completion of this section, click on this text to close the window. By using a combination of the Add and Update functions, you can record Dates offered, including details on non-attendance information.
An unavailability start date must be recorded when the client becomes unavailable for Social, Medical or Criminal Justice reasons. A client can have more than one period of unavailability. Use the drop- down-menu to record the reason why the client is unavailable. The date on which the period of unavailability ends. If the date is unknown at beginning of the unavailability period, it can be left open. Once unavailability details are recorded, select Add to save the relevant details. The Update function will only be available if the unavailability end date was not originally recorded. Removal Date is the date that the client was discharged ending the current treatment episode. Removal Reason should be selected from the drop-down menu. To save details added to the client record, you must select the Save option, otherwise the information will be lost. If you wish to leave the record, select option Cancel, this will take you back to the Home screen.
To extract client data from the system, select Flat File Extract from the blue navigation panel. Open Records, is the only option that will provide data on records that have not been closed (removed/discharged). There are 3 options available to extract data via file extract, though only one option may be chosen. The default setting for extracts is All Records. This setting will provide a file containing all data held on the database for the service identified. Date Referral Received, provides the option to select records between two dates. When producing any of the above extracts, we recommend that you also select the Print Textual Descriptions tab. This will provide data in non-code format. Once selection is made, select option Export to produce the file. You will then be presented with the option to either Open or Save the file.
When the file is opened the data will appear in excel format. Each column will contain a data header to identify the data available.
To access the system reports, please select the Report option from the navigation panel. The database contains a suite of reports to assist you to monitor your service against the HEAT target. 15 reports are available and access is obtained by clicking on the respective report. User guidance notes are available from the Drug Misuse webpage at ISD - ot/waiting.htm ot/waiting.htm
The reports contain many of the same features, namely, From Date – To Date, Period to be chosen i.e. Single Period, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly and Client Type. Complete the data fields and select the option View Report.
The report will present the data on screen in columns with data headers. By selecting the option Back to the form, you will return to the previously selected report, with the option to change reporting period etc. There is also a facility to print the report. The export function provides the option to extract the data in a file, The file format can be selected from the available drop-down-menu.
That concludes the overview of the Drug and Alcohol Treatment Waiting Times Database. All enquiries regarding the database should be directed to; Further information on Drug and Alcohol Treatment Waiting Times can be found on our webpage;