Do Now 1.What are fossil fuels made from? 2.Where do they form? 3. Name one advantage and one disadvantage of using fossil fuels to produce energy.
Objective SWBAT describe the difficult process of mining and reclamation (first hand in Cookie Mining Lab) Agenda: 1.Warm Up 2.Updates 3.Weekly Reflection 4.GN 5.Lab Intro 6.Research 7.Demonstration 8.LAB 9.Clean Up 10.Analysis 11.Exit Ticket Homework: RERUN lab Conclusion Due Monday 10/20
Announcements I will have grades for you Monday Including: Unit 4 Assessment Score Unit 4 Review Questions Energy Analysis Homework Warm Up Week 8 Participation 8 Reminder: Tutoring after school Tues pm
Do Now 1.What are fossil fuels made from? Fossils! Coal = ancient trees & plants Oil/Natural Gas = tiny marine animals
Do Now 1.What are fossil fuels made from? 2.Where do they form? Deep underground = sediments buried with many layers, which caused heat & pressure Allowed remains to fossilize Coal = ancient swamps, now mountainous areas Oil/Gas = off shore/ in pockets of sedimentary rocks 3. Name one advantage and one disadvantage of using fossil fuels to produce energy.
Do Now 3. Name one advantage and one disadvantage of using fossil fuels to produce energy. + traditional, we know how to use them + abundant + cheap (compared to the cost of installing new and renewable technologies)
Do Now 3. Name one advantage and one disadvantage of using fossil fuels to produce energy. - causes air pollution - hurts environment when drilling for resource Turn to your neighbor & give examples of this negative effect on environment
Complete Week Sheet 3 sentences for reflection I give a rose to… because… I give a stem to… because… I give a thorn to… because… Two-minute opportunity for housekeeping 3 sentences for reflection I give a rose to… because… I give a stem to… because… I give a thorn to… because… Two-minute opportunity for housekeeping
Pass over warm ups Clear desk – Except: yesterday’s video guide This will be our guided note sheet for today
GN Expectation Heads Up Follow along with the notes Raise hand for questions Silently Listening
Political Connection! COAL FORMATION 1. Ancient trees and plants died in swamps and sank to the bottom and formed peat. 2. Over millions of years sand, clay and other sediment covered the peat, forming sedimentary rock. 3. Pressure from the rock squeezed out the water. Over time it fossilized and turned into coal.
Political Connection! OIL AND NATURAL GAS FORMATION 1. Animals in ocean died and sink to sea floor. Remains become covered in sediment. 2. As layers of sediment settled, pressure and heat turned the remains into oil and gas. 3. As earth’s surface changed, pockets of oil and natural gas became trapped in the rock.
Political Connection! OIL AND NATURAL GAS FORMATION Mining is used to get the coal used to burn coal in power plants. Mining is also used to get the uranium used to make nuclear energy.
Political Connection! OIL AND NATURAL GAS FORMATION As a result of mining, acids are released into the water supply. This can harm plants and animals. Methane is released. Methane is a greenhouse gas (more on this in a few days!)
Political Connection! OIL AND NATURAL GAS FORMATION Strip mining, or surface mining of coal completely eliminates existing vegetation, destroys the genetic soil profile, displaces or destroys wildlife and habitat, degrades air quality, alters current land uses, and to some extent permanently changes the general topography of the area mined
Political Connection! OIL AND NATURAL GAS FORMATION Soil removal from the area to be surface mined alters or destroys many natural soil characteristics, and may reduce its productivity for agriculture or biodiversity.
Political Connection! OIL AND NATURAL GAS FORMATION After mining is over, the company must complete the process of reclamation. Reclamation is returning the land to its original condition. This includes the material replacement (making the land LOOK the same), as well as replacing vegetation and the type of soil on top.
Did I learn?? Fill in the Blank Fossil Fuels are a 7________________ type of energy resource. Mining is used to 8___________ coal and/or uranium. Mining has 9__________ effects on the environment. Reclamation is returning land to its’ 10 _______ condition Checks for understanding
Did I learn?? Fill in the Blank Fossil Fuels are a 7 Non-Renewable type of energy resource. Mining is used to 8 extract (get) coal and/or uranium. Mining has 9 negative effects on the environment. Reclamation is returning land to its’ 10 original condition Checks for understanding
Political Connection! COOKIE MINING Lab Today, you will be a coal miner. Your goal is to make the most profit possible. This means you must minimize costs, while getting the most coal possible out of your mine.
STEP 1: Question How can coal miners be profitable while minimizing the effect on the environment? This is a hands-on activity to help you understand how mining affects the environment The parts: 1.Research 2.Decision making 3.Data collection via observations 4.Cost analysis 5.Evaluation 6.RERUN
STEP 2: Research Use your guided notes & partner to answer 1 & 2 1.Outline how coal is formed. 2. Describe the process of reclamation.
STEP 2: Research 3. Why is reclamation important? Mining has many negative effects on the environment. It is our job as miners to fix our impact.
STEP 2: Research 4. Who enforces reclamation? State & federal government regulate mining companies. If it does not look the same- fines are mandated. This is incompliance with the federal government’s “Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977.”
Lets procedure Read for thirty seconds Turn and summarize with partner
Demonstration So we know exactly what to do in this lab activity, we will have two students be volunteers and we will walk them through the procedure. Each student is expected to be following along in the procedure Expectations: – Listening quietly – Reading procedure – Raise hand for questions
Expectations 1.Stay seated- safety is important 2.Raise your hand if you have a question 3.Talk with your neighbors quietly 4.If you eat your cookie then you will get a zero for the lab and a phone call home What should this classroom look like during this lab activity?
Land Acquisition Montana CANDY Cookies -- $3; Pennsylvania CHUNKY CHIP cookies -- $5; Kentucky SOFT & CHEWY -- $7
STEP 3: Hypothesis If choose _____________ type of cookie, then I predict my profit will be high and my costs of reclamation will be low Related to procedure: Choose a cookie (land) – Costs represents how easy the coal is to mine $3 - Montana (Candy Chip) $5 - Pennsylvania (Big Chunk) $7 - Kentucky (Soft ‘n Chewy)
Calculating Cost Answer the following questions How much did your land cost? _________ How much did your equipment cost? ____ How much did you labor cost? _________ How much did the government charge you for penalties? _________ *Add these costs together to get your overall cost = _________
Equipment costs Round toothpick (number) x $4 = $____ Paper clip x $6= $_____ Total equipment costs $________ While you are waiting to get your equipment, write down three observations about your cookie. Do not begin mining until instructed to do so
Calculating Cost Answer the following questions How much did your land cost? _________ How much did your equipment cost? ____ How much did you labor cost? _________ How much did the government charge you for penalties? _________ *Add these costs together to get your overall cost = _________
We will get our cookies in groups First = candy chip Second = chunky Third = chewy When you come up you need to get your supplies Limit of 3 toothpicks and 2 paper clips Return to your seat & read procedure do NOT begin mining
Observations Place your cookie on the graph paper. Trace around your mine so you know how big your mine is at the beginning.
Observations Make 3 observations, describe what your mine looks like before mining –EXAMPLE: Candy chip cookie looks rigid, 4 observable chips, crumbly texture, bridle
Mining/Excavation costs (chip removal) Number of minutes ______x $1 = $____ Total excavation costs $_____________ ONCE FINISHED MINING- make 3 observations, describe what your mine looks like after mining: Example: Crumbly, messy, small pieces, larger area, quarter craved out, chips missing, broken, chipped, flaked
Calculating Cost Answer the following questions How much did your land cost? _________ How much did your equipment cost? ____ How much did you labor cost? _________ How much did the government charge you for penalties? _________ *Add these costs together to get your overall cost = _________
Using observations, describe what your mine looks like after mining: Example: Crumbly, messy, small pieces, larger area, quarter craved out, chips missing, broken, chipped, flaked
Calculate Profit Profit: Mining valuation Number of whole chips mined __ x $2 = ___ Total profit $_____________________
RECLAIMATION After the mining is over you must return the land to its original condition. The land must look the same, and you must replant all of the vegetation (plants, trees, etc.) that are removed in the mining process. You have 1 minute to reclaim your land. The government will fine you if your land is not returned to its original position. You will be fined $4 for every square outside your original circle that has cookie in it. Make it look like it did before you started! AND NO HANDS!!!!
RECLAIMATION You have 1 minute to reclaim your land. The government will fine you if your land is not returned to its original position. You will be fined $4 for every square outside your original circle that has cookie in it. Make it look like it did before you started! AND NO HANDS!!!!
Make 3 observation, describe what your mine looks like after reclaiming the land Example: Closer to original state, still lots of pieces, not one whole, more mountainous, chunks missing from side, not one whole circle, takes up larger area than before
Calculating Cost Answer the following questions How much did your land cost? _________ How much did your equipment cost? ____ How much did you labor cost? _________ How much did the government charge you for penalties? _________ *Add these costs together to get your overall cost = _________
Calculating Profit Answer the following questions How many chips did you mine? _________ How much money did you make from mining? ________
Calculating Cost Answer the following questions How much did your land cost? _________ How much did your equipment cost? ____ How much did you labor cost? _________ How much did the government charge you for penalties? _________ *Add these costs together to get your overall cost = _________
Calculating Overall Profit Answer the following questions Subtract Profit from Costs = ________
STEP 3: Hypothesis If choose _____________ type of cookie, then I predict my profit will be high and my costs of reclamation will be low Were you profitable??
Clean Up – Stay Seated You may now EAT the cookie I need all crumbs & chips picked up! –You are 1 of 90 students in this room all day There will be 2 helpers coming with trash bags Toothpicks & paper clips must be thrown away in the trash We are not leaving until this room is picked up! “LEAVE NO TRACE”
What should the classroom look like... During a lab? During partner work?
What should the classroom look like? Everyone facing the board Only 2 students per table Stay seated (safety) Talking quietly with peers near you
Analysis Questions Must answer in COMPLETE SENTENCES for full credit Begin working on questions while clean up is happening Stay seated Talking quietly Example of complete sentences- 1.My mine was very profitable because I spent a lot of money on my land. 2.If I were to do it again I would buy a paper clip, rather than just toothpicks
Conclusion Paragraph I will help you with this NO Talking Listening & raising hands
RERUN Recall what you did! What was your PROCEDURE? What physical ACTIONS did you do? EX- I chose ______ cookie to mine for chocolate chips
RERUN Explain your purpose Connect to OBJECTIVE + Energy EX- I acted as a coal miner today so I can see the difficulty of mining coal
RERUN Results What was your hypothesis?? EX- I can accept my hypothesis because the I made more profit than I had costs.
RERUN Uncertainity Error When did you not follow the procedure word for work? EX- A potential error in my experiment could be when we...
RERUN NEW Connect to energy What did you learn about mining? EX- From this lab I learned.... EX- This lab reminds me of our mining objective because I learned....
Political Connection! Hand in on your way out