What is a ystery? Day 1
What you will discover today! Today, you will learn to define vocabulary that appears regularly in mysteries.
What is a Mystery? What is a mystery to you? Write down everything that you think makes a mystery, and any words that you think are related to the Mystery genre. Then we will put it in common.
Detective’s Dictionary All Mysteries contain important vocabulary words that you should learn before begining to study the mystery genre. Let’s go through each vocabulary word. Try to give your own definition. Are you ready?
Alibi An excuse that a suspect uses to show that he or she was somewhere other than at the scene of the crime when the crime was committed.
Clue A fact or object that helps to solve mysteries.
Crime An act that is against the law.
Detective A person who investigates mysteries and gathers information.
Evidence Something that helps prove who commited the crime.
Mystery Something that is secret and unknown.
Red herring A false lead that throws the investigator off track.
Sleuth Another name for detective.
Suspect A person who is believed to have possibly commited the crime.
Victim Someone who is harmed or suffers some loss because of the crime.
Witness Someone who saw the crime being committed and can provide some information.
Play the Mystery Memory Game Play with two other friends the Mystery Memory Game. Place the cards face down on the carpet. Choose the first person to start the game. The first player lifts two cards. If they match then the player gets to keep them, if not, then you have to place them down again on the same place. The next player does the same, trying to remember the position of the first words lifted. The player who gets to keep more cards wins.
Credits I have created this power Point presentation based on the lesson plan by Beth Newingham titled “Exploring the Mystery Genre”, that can be downloaded at: