Invest in Children Child Care Quality Fund ’FY 14 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Invest in Children Child Care Quality Fund ’FY 14 1

MGL CHAPTER 29 Section 2JJ: Child Care Quality Fund Established in 1997; revenues from the sale of Invest in Children automobile registration plates; to be expended by the Commissioner to provide grants to not-for-profit child care organizations; To improve the quality of child care services 2

12,468 Plates on the road: Collections approximately $300K a year Total collected to date: $4,254, Until 2010, programs submitted grant proposals to EEC for Child Care Quality Funds More than $2.2 million distributed to more than 160 programs No awards in FY ‘10 and FY ‘11 3 Invest in Children Child Care Quality Funds

4 FY ‘12: $450K allocated through EPS grantees for: accreditation fees intentional literacy efforts Child Development Associate (CDA) fees for programs at QRIS level 2

5 Invest in Children Child Care Quality Fund Current Balance: $1 Million Proposal for FY ‘14: Two part strategy Amendment to EPS grantees (up to $100K each) to support program accreditation and CDA attainment Competitive bids for grants (up to $35K each) to support program quality in not-for-profit programs (up to $600K total).

6 Invest in Children Child Care Quality Funds EPS Grantees will submit detailed budgets to support: fees for application or renewal of the Child Development Associate credential; coaching and mentoring, professional education, books, materials, and stipends for substitutes; professional learning communities among cohorts of educators.

7 Invest in Children Child Care Quality Funds EPS Grantees will submit detailed budgets to support (continued): Accreditation fees The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC), the Council on Accreditation (COA) (for school age child care)

8 Invest in Children Child Care Quality Funds Non-profit early education and care programs will submit proposals for funds to support and enhance the quality of services delivered through: professional development opportunities; specialized training for bilingual and bicultural consumers; improved outreach and communication with families purchase of educational curricula, instructional supports and technical assistance

Next Steps: Board votes to approve EPS amendment and quality fund grant solicitation; EPS amendment issued in October; Grant RFR issued in October; Grants awarded in December. 9