n Numeracy n More of a focus on reading and writing within FS as they underpin the whole curriculum. n Areas of difficulty from year on year assessment are problem solving skills and applying mathematical understanding.
n Problem solving/Application build into everyday situations e.g. register time/lining up/fruit and milk time/sharing. n Children’s number recognition is enhanced by jolly numbers, linked to actions.
n Jolly Numbers n 1 – Winning 1 n 2 – Tiny 2 n 3 – Thirsty 3 n 4 – Fast 4 n 5 – Fat 5 n 6 – Sleepy 6 n 7 – Stick 7 n 8 - Racing 8 n 9 – Nice 9 n 10 - Tall 10
n Use of resources n Washing line with numbers represented. n Finding 1 more/1 less/numbers between/numbers after/numbers before. n 100 square. n Finding numbers Counting in 2s, 5s, 10s.
n Using musical instruments to clap beats/play beats. n Touch counting. Using objects to pick up, count and put back down as they go along counting.
n At home to help support Numeracy n Singing numbers: Songs such as ‘One, two, three, four, five, once I caught a fish alive' will help them remember basic number sequences. n Size it up: When you’re talking use adjectives of size to reinforce their vocabulary. ‘Big’, ‘small’, ‘long’ and ‘short’, are all words they will be expected to know before they go into Year 1.
n Snap: Children learn about matching pairs at the Foundation Stage so you can help them build on that while having fun! n Think of a number: On a car journey, you could play ‘Think of a number’. One of you thinks of a number between one and 10 and the other has to guess what it is. Use terms such as ‘That's too high’ until they guess it correctly.
n Questioning e.g. Are there enough bowls around the table? How many more forks do we need? n Counting the number of stairs climbed. What’s one more? What if there was one less? n Cooking opportunities – mass, capacity
Title Mathematical Concept The shopping basket Counting, subtracting, concept of 1 less Kippers Toy box Counting Handa’s Surprise Ordinal number, subtraction Pardon? Said the giraffe Comparative sizes Where’s my teddy Concept of size The bad tempered ladybird Size, time Mr wolf’s week Passing of time My cat likes to hide in boxes Solid shape We’re going on a bear hunt Position, direction and movement Eat up Gemma Sorting, data handling Dear Zoo Size, shape Elmer Pattern Harry and the robots 3D modelling
n The ELG n Children count reliably with numbers from 1-20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. Using quantities and objects they add and subtract two single digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems including doubling, halving and sharing.