Forest Change Detection in Fiji transparent through Web Display 21-Nov-2013 Naomi Jackson
OUTLINE Forest change detection mapping 1:50000 Web Platform Used Method Other Assistance provided Challenges Future Plans
Forestry officers come to SOPAC-SPC for training and map forest areas Completed 1:50,000 Layers ready for Web Display
Public view and check Any Misinterpretations can be clarified and changed
Geonode is a web-based application and platform for developing geospatial information systems (GIS) Open Source Software - QGIS,UDIG and ATLAS STYLER
Different projects, different data, different requirements, different access levels : ONE SOLUTION Singular Platform Geonode Platform Version 2 (development stream) Used internally within the division by all programmes Unified Approach to Cataloguing, Archiving and Exposing Diverse GIS/Spatial Datasets
Raster (.tif) format instant upload Vector (.shp)format i. Create a.sld file (using ATLAS) ii. Uploaded with.shp file (Editing) Co-ordinate reference System Upload Login
GIZ – Redd++ poject maps hosted in SOPAC
Weekly Updates to MOA and MOF
A staff of the GIS unit would go and install the updates at the Forestry Department to update maps the Layers - (Error)
Updates on Geonode Accessible as long as you have internet connection
Formats Co-ordinate reference system (Reproject) View and download (If you can view you can download)
Provide more Change Detection Updates on Geonode to GIS clients Have data available on PacGeo( PIC DataBank)April 2014 Provide the same assistance to Pacific Island Countries