Apache Mahout
Prerequisites for Building MAHOUT Java JDK 1.6 Maven 3.0 or higher ( ). Subversion (optional) Hadoop (used by Mahout) Mahout (0.9)
Install maven 3 1. Open terminal ( Ctrl + Alt + T ). 2. Install maven 3. sudo apt-get install maven Verify that the installation is successful. mvn -v
ssh-key Setup ssh server – $sudo apt-get install openssh-server Setup Public/private key for accessing server without passwd – $ssh-keygen –t rsa – $cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys – $ssh localhost – $exit
Hadoop To install Hadoop on your local box, go to /common/ and download hadoophttp:// /common/ Uncompress the archive: tar xvfz hadoop bin.tar.gz Edit the file conf/hadoop-env.sh and add the following line: export JAVA_HOME=
Hadoop To configure HDFS, edit the file conf/core- site.xml and add the following property in configuration: fs.default.name hdfs://localhost:9000
Hadoop Then format the HDFS filesystem: hadoop namenode -format Run hadoop start-all.sh
Mahout Change the directory where mahout is located cd mahout Build mahout mvn install
Test copy the file u.data to HDFS: To run the mahout recommender, type: