Beluga Whale By Hallee
Mammal They have a backbone and four limbs. They have hair or fur. They feed their young milk from the female’s body.
Location (where it lives) Arctic waters
Habitat /Environment Where: under the ice in the Arctic waters Surroundings/ shelter : in the Arctic icy waters Temperature: Below 32 F.
Food The whales prey are fish, squid, octopus, and shellfish.
Predator-Prey Relationship The whales predators are the killer whale, polar bear, and the walrus. The beluga whale’s prey is the fish, squid, octopus and shellfish.
Size /Looks Height: 15 feet long. Weight: 2,400 to 3,500 pounds. Description: They have blubber. They are white and kind of roundish.
Interesting fact They surround schools of fish, and then they dive toward the fish to catch the fish.
Interesting fact Every member of this group is either a baleen whale or a toothed whale.
Interesting fact A pod of beluga whales can have as many as twenty-five whales.
Interesting fact They touch each other and make expressions with their faces.
Interesting fact The blowhole is a nostril on top of the whale’s head.