The Archives Crisis. Why the time is right for change Roland J C Smith FSA MIfA
Archives with no available museum or store Just 6% of practices in England hold: 15,000 boxes of finds 10,000 document file that they can not deposit Those 6% of practices hold in total: 42,500 boxes of finds From 6,750 separate projects
Undepositable archives – a toxic asset?
Archives with no available museum or store Survey of the number and size of undepositable archives Regular survey of present and future capacity in museums and stores Task force to agree practical solutions and implement them forthwith Sector works together to promote long term new storage facilities
Future Archives Survey of archive usage. What is researched, in what form, for what purpose and by whom? Meaningful selection, retention and disposal strategies implemented forthwith Pilot projects with outcomes publicised to the profession Improved dialogue between contractors and museum professionals ALGAO members to be better informed about the deposition of archives
Love and cherish our museum archaeologists!
Standards for Archive Preparation Modernise some archive preparation procedures Standardise some common archival requirements Standards and protocols for digital archive data Greater use of trusted digital depositories where museums have limited capabilities Practices must reinforce importance of archives to practitioners