Emerging Technologies Working Group Update to WMS October 07, Contents I.Energy Storage, as discussed at ETWG II.Emerging Technology Tracking System, ERCOT Website III.Other Business: () IV.Next ETWG Meeting
I. Energy Storage, as discussed 2 Two Presentations on Energy Storage Hoss Boyd: 02. Energy Storage ETWG Sept Energy Storage ETWG Sept 2015 Cyrus Reed: 03. ERCOT Storage 03. ERCOT Storage Main Topics of Discussion: Discussion of previous ERCOT market participant initiatives to address storage, including: NPRR410, NPRR461, and NPRR560. Broader multiple value stream discussion generally recognized to be beyond ERCOT’s purview. Discussion of working on a white paper to examine use of storage in RPG process.
II. Emerging Technology Tracking System, ERCOT Website 3 At Issue: Options: Update and Maintain Delete Note- CCET is still using the site Edit to say “Emerging Technologies Tracking Archive”, but leave in place
III. Other Business: () 4
IV. Next ETWG Meeting October 8 Logistics October 8, 1:00PM – 2:30PM Room 168 Note that there is no DSWG meeting that morning Agenda Items ERCOT Staff have requested to give a presentation on a draft document titled, “Solar Generation Integration White Paper” 5
Requested WMS Motion n/a 7