Scientific Posters
Checklist for Making a Poster 1. Poster includes all required information – such as names of authors, institutional affiliation 2. All components fit into space provided for display 3. Title lettering is 4 cm tall, readable from a distance of at least 15 feet. 4. Text letters should be 1 cm tall. 5. Amount of text in each section is the minimum required and not excessive. 6. Flow of information on the poster must be easy to follow. 7. Methods are presented as a list or simple flowchart 8. Introduction states specific issue that was addressed 9. Each figure or table is self-sufficient 10. Significance of each result is stated explicitly as a take- home message 11. Check for typographical and grammatical errors
A Typical Poster Session
Basic Poster Layout
A Good Poster
Resource for Designing a Poster
Your posters Make them in Landscape Format Make them 3 feet by 2 feet (36 inches by 24 inches) Make sure you ask the Help Desk to help you print them at least 48 hours in advance of when you need them