Objective: To write, graph, and solve one-step inequalities Writing, Solving, & Graphing One-Step Inequalities.


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Presentation transcript:

Objective: To write, graph, and solve one-step inequalities Writing, Solving, & Graphing One-Step Inequalities

MCC.EE.8 Write an inequality of the form x>c or x c or x<c have infinitely many solutions; represent solutions of such inequalities on number line diagrams.

What strategies can I use to help me understand and represent real situations using inequalities? How can I write, interpret and manipulate inequalities?

An inequality that contains a variable is an algebraic inequality. A value of the variable that makes the inequality true is a solution of the inequality.. An inequality may have more than one solution. Together, all of the solutions are called the solution set.

SymbolMeaningWord Phrases < > ≤ ≥ is less than is greater than is greater than or equal to is less than or equal to Fewer than, below More than, above At most, no more than At least, no less than

Write an inequality for each situation. C. There are fewer than 10 gallons of gas in the tank. gallons of gas < 10 or x < 10 D. There are more than10 yards of fabric left. yards of fabric > 10 or x > 10 “fewer than” means less than. “more than” means greater than

Write an inequality for each situation. A. There are at least 15 people in the waiting room. number of people ≥ 15 or x ≥ 15 B. The tram attendant will allow no more than 60 people on the tram. number of people ≤ 60 or x ≤ 60 “At least” means greater than or equal to. “No more than” means less than or equal to.

You can graph the solutions of an inequality on a number line. To indicate that solutions include numbers with values less than the point graphed, shade to the left of the point. To show that solutions include numbers greater than the point graphed, shade to the right of the point.

This open circle shows that 5 is not a solution. a > 5 If the variable is “greater than or equal to” or “less than or equal to” a number, that number is indicated with a closed circle. This closed circle shows that 3 is a solution. b ≤ 3 If the variable is “greater than” or “less than” a number, then that number is indicated with an open circle.

Symbols Review Open Circle The number is not included in the solution. The number is not included in the solution. Closed Circle The number is included in the solution. The number is included in the solution.