Evaluate Logarithms and Graph Logarithmic Functions Lesson 7.4 “c” Los Altos High School
Agenda Faux Quiz Continue discussion of Lesson 7.4 Practice 7.4, page 504 # 28-34 all Homework: Do the graphing problems from homework 7.4b and complete the graphing worksheet.
Evaluate Logarithms and Graph Logarithmic Functions Practice: Simplify the expression: 11 log 11 𝑥 log 5 5 −2𝑥 log 3 81 𝑥 Find the inverse of 𝑦= 7 𝑥 Find the inverse of 𝑦=ln(𝑥+2)
Evaluate Logarithms and Graph Logarithmic Functions Graphing: We have seen that the inverse of an exponential function is a logarithmic function and vice versa. That means that their graphs should reflect… no pun intended… that. Let’s pay attention to the domain and range of both graphs.
Evaluate Logarithms and Graph Logarithmic Functions
Evaluate Logarithms and Graph Logarithmic Functions