4 EXPRESSIONS TO EXPRESS GRATITUDE Thank you very/so much for… Thank you for… Thank a lot for… Thanks Thanks a million. Many thanks to you. I’m very much obliged to you for… I’m very/so grateful for… I really appreciate.. I can’t thank you enough for… It is extremely good of you… It’s very kind of you for… That was very nice of you. Thank you
5 EXPRESSING THANKS FOR A FAILED ATTEMPT Thank for trying help. I appreciate your help, anyway. Thank you very much for your efforts. Thanks, anyway. Thanks a lot for trying, at least.
6 EXPRESSIONS TO RESPOND TO THANKS You’re welcome. You’re most/very/quite/entirely welcome. It’s my pleasure. Never mind. Not at all. Don’t mention it. Don’t worry about it. Forget it. Delighted I was able to help. It was the least I can do. You would have done the same in my position. It was nothing. What are friends for?
7 WHEN TO THANK The most common situations that require thanks: For a gift For a favor For an offer of help For a compliment and a wish of success For an invitation When leaving a party or social gathering For services, such as being waited on in a store or restaurant
8 Thank for a gift The person receiving the gift usually says: An expression of thanks; A compliment on the gift itself and a question relating to the gift (its origin, use, maker..) Ex: Janice: Oh, thank you! I just love roses! Are they from your garden? Jack: it’s beautiful! Thank you very much. I’ve always wanted a picture from Japan. Did you get it in Osaka? Mike: Oh, thank you. But you really didn’t have to.
9 Thanking for a favor A offers to help B accepts help and thanks A A asks B for a favor B agrees to do the favor A thanks B Can I help you with this document? Yeah, that’s great. It’s very kind of you.
10 Thank for offer of help Always thank someone who offers to help, whether you accept or refuse. When you refuse, say something like this: No, thank you. No, but thank for your offer. Thank you, but I’ll manage OK by myself. Ex: Nick: do you need help moving this week? Joe: Thanks, I’ve already got four other boys! But thanks for offering.
11 Thanking for compliments and wishes of success That’s a very nice dress Oh, thanks. it's from my mother Good luck on your exam tomorrow, my dear. Thanks, daddy. I’ll need it.
12 Thanking for interest in your health “Thank you” is also used in reply to question about your health, or that of relative. How do you feel now? I feel better now. Thanks
13 Thanking for invitation Thank for other person invitation, whether you accept it or not. Can you come over lunch on Saturday? Oh, I’d love to, but I’ve got a dentist’s appointment at 11:30. Thanks anyway for the invitation
14 Thanking when leaving a party Mr. And Mrs. Downes: Thank you so much for the lovely evening. We had such a good time. Mr. Hill: You’re quite Welcome. Thank you for coming. I’d been looking forward to seeing you for a long time. MR. HILL MR AND MRS. DOWNES
15 Thank for other services In a store: Clerk: there you are. Thank you. Customer: (taking the package) Thank you. In a restaurant: Waiter: Are you ready to order? Customer: Yes, I’ll have… Waiter: Thank you. (Waiter puts down the drinks). Customer: Thank you.
16 II. WHILE-SPEAKING Work with your partner to express gratitude and respond to thanks. You may use the suggested expressions above and the situations below. Situation 1: S1: A representative of the villagers express their thanks to the volunteers’ building a new house for the poor. S2:A representative of the volunteers respond to thanks. Situation 2: S1: A representative of the local people express their gratitude to the volunteers for their preparing food for the homeless. S2: A representative of the volunteers respond to thanks
17 Situation 3: S1: A representative of the parents express their sincere thanks to the teachers for their teaching a literacy class. S2: A representative of the teachers responds to thanks. Situation 4: A is going to move and needs a lot of help. A talks to a friend B before class that day. A B 1.Greets B 1.greets A, asks about A’s family 2.Thanks B and give 2. agrees to do or refuses (gives information, asks B to an excuse), wishes A well. do a favor
18 3. Thanks B, makes 3.replies to preclosing arrangements/thanks B, express regret, gives preclosing 4.Says good-bye 4.says good-bye
19 Situation 5: You ask X to baby-sit for you while you go to the doctor. X either agrees to do or refuses to and give reason. Thank X. Situation 6: Your boss invite you to a formal dinner party. Whether you accept or not, thank him for the invitation.
20 POST-SPEAKING Work in groups and make conversation using expressions which you have learned.