Double your Income in 2 Years Peter Lawless
What’s on your P60? Always look at NET income Assumptions based on Single person Check out Net Income calculator at;
Easy ways to have more Money! Get a raise. Win it. Inherit it. Sell more!
But it’s all too difficult Problems are challenges Challenges are opportunities Opportunities reward those who take action!
What does DYI mean to YOU What will you OWN? What will you DO? Who will you Share it with?
What happens if you Don’t? No big deal –You didn’t want that house! –You’re glad your spouse left you! –Who wants an Aston Martin anyway –And besides, you hate the Caribbean! ???
Set Personal Goals Understand why you MUST achieve your Goal Commit to MASSIVE action Determine a course of Action – A PLAN Monitor and Adjust Plan continuously
But, why bother with Goals? Setting a Goal and taking massive action, is more important than achieving your goal Setting the Goal helps us achieve focus on what is important. Consistency of Purpose is key!
7 Forms of Intelligence Mathematical Linguistic Artistic Musical Sporting Social/Emotional Self-Awareness
Success at Persuasion Ask; –The right Person –AT the right Time –The right Questions Listen, then have; –The right Answers –IN the right Way –With The right Evidence At all times have a great Attitude
The 3 Parts of a Sales Call Opening Ask Power Questions Conclusion –15 minutes from the end
Opening the meeting Smile, as though you really mean it! Thank them for their time Ask them how long they Have
Power Questions So what made you want to see me? What [offer related] issues are you having right now Listen to the answers (don’t be planning your next question!)
Closing the Call Summarise all the issues they have Agree a value on solving their issues Confirm the decision process Agree an action plan Set the date of the next meeting
Always start at the top Power flows down from the top Swimming up the Waterfall is difficult People generally want to Please their Boss
Planned Networking The more people you meet, the more people who can buy or recommend your offering Attend 4 events per month Meet 3 people at each That’s 144 new contacts
What Meetings to attend Where do your prospects hang out? Where do your influencers go? What events do your partners frequent?
Start your DYI Plan Today Write down your goals Create your powerful questions Plan your Networking Schedule Maintain Momentum
“You become What you Think About” Buddah – Circa 500BC
You CAN do anything The Harder you prepare the luckier you seem to get –Doug Collins, Chicago Bulls Coach, about Michael Jordan
Thank You for Participating Peter Lawless