United Provinces Of Central America by: Will Siegal
Federal Republic of Central America ●in existent from ●comprised of modern day Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, othersGuatemala El Salvador Honduras Nicaragua Costa Rica ●Capitals included Guatemala City and San Salvador
Independence ●led by Francisco Morazán, countries claimed independence from Spain and MexicoFrancisco Morazán ●Independence from Spain: Sep. 15, 1821 ●Independence from Mexico: July 1, 1823 ●Republican Government set up, voting rights to rich, no slavery, Catholic Church at head
Dissolution ●conflict between liberals and conservatives o Liberal: church and state seperate, state supremacy o Conservative: limited voting rights, strong Church and central government ●civil wars broke out ●countries began to secede and claim sovereignty ●formally disbanded May 3, 1838
Sources ●Herring, Hubert. A History of Latin America From the Beginnings to the Present. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, ●Foster, Lynn V. A Brief History of Central America. New York: Checkmark Books, A Brief History of Central America. ●"The Central American Nation Doomed to Fail." About Education. About.com, 1 Jan Web. 10 Nov < alamerica