WE OUR INNOVATION STATIONS! A look at what Crockett teachers are doing. By Sonya Bianco Library Assistant - Campus ITRC
“With support from our last bond election, we are putting these digital multimedia presentation systems in more than 900 classrooms.” “It integrates: a computer, wireless keyboard and mouse, document camera, sound system and a mounted projector and a webcam that allows online interaction between students and teachers.” “The system is easy to use, so teachers and students can focus on teaching and learning without having to concentrate on how to make all the gadgets work.” “Is this the wave of the future? No. This is the wave of the present. And this wave is growing in technology and demographics.” “It is our responsibility to develop, nurture and prepare students for jobs that don’t yet exist using technology that has not yet been created.” Dr. Meria Carstarphen Austin Independent School District Superintendent
“My Innovation Station Rocks. The kids are focused, and my lessons come alive. We use it everyday!” Ms. Megan Miller Reading Specialist
“Google Earth has never been more amazing then when I use it with the Innovation Station.” The oooh’s and aaah’s from the students are validating!” Mr. Max Redd Government Teacher
“The ease of use is what I really love about my Innovation Station. Being able to switch from showing a document to bringing up a map on the internet really makes it an easy tool to integrate into my curriculum.” Mrs. Tara Walker-Leon World History Teacher
“What I love about the Innovation Station is that I can narrate over a video that I’m showing. Normally I would have to stop the movie in order to speak and be heard. Now with the Light speed Audio system I can be heard loud and clear and the video can continue to play. “ Bria Mellon Inclusion Teacher
In Mr. Bradford’s Math class, he uses his Innovation Station like a “Smart” board. “ I project onto my whiteboard using the Document Camera. I then have several students come to the board and try to solve problem. It’s a great tool to have in a math classroom.” Kelly Bradford Math Teacher
“I didn’t think I would like using the mics. However, I found that my students REALLY love when I use it. They remind me, “Miss the mic, use the mic” anytime I forget to put it on.” “Being able to show my students work on the Innovations Station is just outstanding. They benefit so much from seeing what their peers have done and what my responses are to their work.” Mrs Sara Dille English Teacher
“My students are more engaged in the lesson. They love when I turn on the Innovation Station. They are excited about what I’m going to present.” William Garcia English Teacher
Mrs. Dombrowski uses her Innovation Station in conjunction with another projector. She places a series of problems under the Document Camera then connects her TI-84 Calculator to the other projector. Now she can demonstrate how to operate the calculator at the same time the problems are being displayed. Very “innovative” Mrs D!
“There are so many fun and creative educational activities we can do on our Innovation Station. Our life skills students have really benefited from having this technology in the classroom. Something as simple as taking a plain bingo game and placing it under the Document Camera took this activity from ordinary to OUTSTANDING!” Sally Martinez Teacher Assistant
“ I can’t wait till the next round of Innovation Stations get installed. I have been hearing how awesome these things are! As you can see by my set up......my students and I would benefit greatly from having this technology installed in our classroom. Come on phase II!!!! ” Emily Moorehead World Geography Teacher
Learning and innovation skills increasingly are being recognized as the skills that separate students who are prepared for increasingly complex life and work environments in the 21st century, and those who are not. Partnership for 21st Century Skills