Co-ordinated by #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT The importance of interoperability and intelligibility in digital preservation Simon Lambert, Scientific Computing Department, STFC, UK APARSEN webinar, November 2013
Intreoperability and intelligibility Simon Lambert, STFC Webinar, November 2013 #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT What is APARSEN? A Network of Excellence in digital preservation Funded by European Commission - 7th Framework Programme — Digital Libraries and Digital Preservation Runs January 2011 to December 2014 (4 years) Coordinated by Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK)
Intreoperability and intelligibility Simon Lambert, STFC Webinar, November 2013 #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Objectives of APARSEN Broad scope - Application domains - Aspects of the problem - Approaches and techniques Defragmentation of effort Leading to a Virtual Centre of Excellence founded on a common vision of digital preservation
Intreoperability and intelligibility Simon Lambert, STFC Webinar, November 2013 #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Approach of APARSEN TRUST SUSTAIN ABILITY USABILITY ACCESS Stream 1 Integration Stream 2 Technical research Stream 3 Non-technical research Stream 4 Sustainable uptake
Intreoperability and intelligibility Simon Lambert, STFC Webinar, November 2013 #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT What is interoperability? “… the ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged.” A prerequisite for intelligibility
Intreoperability and intelligibility Simon Lambert, STFC Webinar, November 2013 #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Why relevant to digital preservation? PARSE.Insight’s threats to future access to digital assets No. 1: “Users may be unable to understand or use the data e.g. the semantics, format, processes or algorithms involved” An interoperability issue
Intreoperability and intelligibility Simon Lambert, STFC Webinar, November 2013 #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Interoperability and digital preservation Temporal Stakeholder communities DP areas Interoperability objects TechnicalOrganizationalPoliticalEconomicalLegal temporal The set of activities to ensure that current systems INTEROPERATE with future systems to guarantee that digital resources remain accessible and re-usable over a long period of time maintaining their meaning and value. DP as INTEROPERABILITY WITH THE FUTURE
Intreoperability and intelligibility Simon Lambert, STFC Webinar, November 2013 #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Interoperability and digital preservation DP is a GLOBAL issue Need of International consensus on interoperability GLOBAL INTEGRATING CROSS- BOUNDARY SOLUTIONS DP requirements and challenges as interoperability challenges Interoperability as a conceptual framework to define the DP research agenda STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT OF TECHNOLOGY WITH DP GOALS Heterogeneity of digital information Need of interoperability at different levels ALL- ENCOMPASSING PERSPECTIVE 8
Intreoperability and intelligibility Simon Lambert, STFC Webinar, November 2013 #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT What APARSEN is doing 9 Interoperability is a crucial imperative for implementing effective DP strategies and solutions Complex landscape of interoperability objectives and approaches Diagnosing this ecosystem is a fundamental step to reach a common awareness about interoperability challenges in DP and define a core set of interoperability objectives for the future Role of the APARSEN NoE to coordinate the definition of the research agenda and drive the development of solutions The APARSEN study on INTEROPERABILITY OBJECTIVES AND APPROACHES in DP
Intreoperability and intelligibility Simon Lambert, STFC Webinar, November 2013 #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT The approach taken: Stage 1 Review of concept State of the art Scenarios Gap analysis Recommendations Guidelines
Intreoperability and intelligibility Simon Lambert, STFC Webinar, November 2013 #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT The approach taken: Stage 2 Importance of concept of performability Modelling dependencies What can be automated? Emphasis on converters and emulators
Intreoperability and intelligibility Simon Lambert, STFC Webinar, November 2013 #APARSEN Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT The approach taken Two stages with two reports: - Interoperability objectives and approaches - Interoperability strategies Demonstrator developed: Epimenides #APARSEN Network of Excellence