One sunny day in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, two boys named Bruce and Billy go out to find an owl egg to raise. Bruce climbs up a tree and puts the eggs in his mouth. Bruce loses his footing and falls. All the eggs crack in his mouth and when he gets down, he starts spiting out eggshells. They finally find an owls nest. But they are to tired to climb up so they decide to bring back Mr. Miller the next day.
The next day, Billy and Bruce took Mr. Miller back to the owls nest. Billy and Bruce helped Mr. Miller set up a tent on a tree branch right next to the owls nest so he could take pictures. Then Billy and Bruce went on a walk and left Mr. Miller alone. When they came back Mr. Miller was on the ground. The owl had taken Mr. Millers hat.
When Billy and Bruce found two out of three of the baby owls dead that morning they were surprised. They searched for the third baby owl. They finally found him under a bush. They fed him and took him to Billy's house. Bruce and Murray (there other friend) didn’t have anywhere to keep the owl so they decided they would keep the owl at Billy’s house. He finally decided on a name. Wol. But Wol was lonely.
A few days later, Billy saw two people throwing rocks at something in a barrel. He walked a little closer and saw that it was another baby owl. Billy traded his scout knife for the owl. He took the owl home and cleaned it up and fed it. He named it Weeps and put it in the cage with Wol. Now Wol wasn’t lonely.
Wol and Weeps are friends now. Wol takes care of Weeps. One day, Wol climbs up a tree and can’t get down. He starts falling. Then he spreads his wings and starts to fly. Everyone tries to get Weeps to fly to. But he is to scared to so he never learns.
Bruce and Billy enter a pet parade. They enter all there pets including gophers, white mice, pigeons, bunnies, garter snakes, there dogs Mutt and Rex, and rats. They dress up the owls. On the day of the pet parade Bruce brings a surprise pet. He doesn’t tell any one what it is. Not even Billy. They wait for there turn. Finally its there time to present there pets. They show the judges all there pets then Bruce opens the box. The surprise pet is a rattlesnake. Everyone at the pet parade runs away from them. Even the judges. No one wins the pet parade.
One day, Wol brings home a dead skunk that he caught. When he lands on the windowsill everyone rushes from the room. They hurt Wol’s feelings. Wol makes up lots of games that trick Mutt. Some of the games are dinner-stealing, tail-squeezing and bone-stealing. Wol tricks Mutt every time.
Bruce and Billy decide to camp out in a cave for the night. After some fun in the river they decide to go back to the cave. Then, two big kids come and threaten to tie them to a tree if they don’t tell them where there cave is. Wol saves the day by scaring the big kids off by hooting really loudly.
School has started again and Wol follows Billy to school every time. Billy has been late for French four times already. One day he is on his way to school when he hears car brakes screeching. A second later Wol landed on his shoulder. Billy doesn’t want to be late again so he keeps riding his bike to school. When he gets to school, he remembers the twine in his pocket. He takes the twine out of his pocket, and tied Wols feet to his handle bars. Then he rushes into the classroom. Not a while later, Billy hears something tapping on the window. He looks up and there is Wol tapping on the window. Unfortunately the window was open. Wol jumped in and skidded across the French teachers desk, and lands in her lap.
Billy, Bruce, Billy’s Dad, Wol, Weeps, and Mutt all go on a canoe trip. Suddenly the crows spot Wol and Weeps and come to attack them. There canoe finally tips over and everyone falls in the water. The next day, Billy’s Dad gets out his shotgun to try and shoot the crows. The crows saw the gun and backed off fast. Finally Wol wanders into the open and the crows start diving toward him. Then, one at a time, the crows fell to the ground.
Billy has to move away because his Dad found a new job. Billy will have to leave the prairies and his home. Worst of all, he has to leave the gophers, the mice, the pigeons, the bunnies, the garter snakes, the rats, and Wol and Weeps. He doesn’t know what to do with everything. He decides he will leave all his animals in the prairie if he can’t find anyone to keep them. Then he remembers Bruce. Bruce moved away a few years ago. His Dad was going to build a fox farm. He decides he will go and see if Bruce will take the animals. A few days later, his Dad is driving him to Bruce’s. He spends the next few days at the fox farm. Finally it is time to leave. He says goodbye to Wol and Weeps. Then he leaves.
I liked this book a lot. My favorite parts were when they had the pet parade and the rattlesnake ruined it and when they were on the canoe trip and the boat tipped over. I also thought Chapter 11 was really sad. I think this book is really good and I give it 5 stars.