TODAY  Go over MDG Quizzes  “Full Circle” Pre-Reading Define & Discuss: PLOT Define & Discuss: IRONY Journal Entry #2  Begin reading “Full Circle” p.


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Presentation transcript:

TODAY  Go over MDG Quizzes  “Full Circle” Pre-Reading Define & Discuss: PLOT Define & Discuss: IRONY Journal Entry #2  Begin reading “Full Circle” p  HOMEWORK: Finish reading “Full Circle” and answer all 7 “Active Reading” questions. Have you created a account yet? Stouffer’s French Bread Pizza is hands down the best frozen pizza out there.

PLOT  a series of related events. Throughout the course of a story’s plot, events unfold, build to climax, and are then brought to a conclusion during the resolution.


IRONY  Verbal Irony: Contrast between what is said and what is meant EX: Saying “Nice weather today, huh?” on a rainy day. Saying something is “as clear as mud.” (sarcasm, understatement, etc.)  Dramatic Irony: Contrast between what a character thinks to be true and what the reader knows to be true EX: Scary movie where you know the killer is in the closet the character is about to open, but the character does not.  Situational Irony: Contrast between the intent of an action and the result EX: When a man attempted to assassinate Ronald Reagan, all of his shots missed the President; however a bullet ricocheted off the bullet-proof windows of the President’s limo and struck him in the chest. Thus, the windows made to protect him from gunfire were partially responsible for his being shot.

IRONY Film Clip — The Truman Show As you watch the clip, think about what is ironic about this film.

IRONY Is it irony? If so, what kind? ARE THE FOLLOWING EXAMPLES OF IRONY? WHY OR WHY NOT?  rain on your wedding day  an ambulance driver rushes to the scene of an accident, only to run the victim over  lying to someone about how you feel about them  a free ride when you already paid  telling a poor bowler he should go pro to emphasize how bad he is  a traffic jam when you’re already late  10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife

JOURNAL ENTRY #2 “Full Circle” Anticipatory Set  Choose one of the following two statements and then write a response where you discuss why you agree or disagree with the statement. “WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND.” “JUSTICE IS DISTORTED.”