Dysmenorrhea and PMS Nazila Karamy-MD Obstetric and Gynecology Specialist
Primary Dysmenorrhea Painful menstruation without underlying pathology Commonest in teens(13-19),early twenties Onset 1 or Max 2 years after menarche(cos of it occurs only in ovulation cycle tht it happens 1 year after menarche) If it occurs 2 y after menarch almost always it’s not primary dysmenorhea
Clinical characteristics pain:happaens with mense onset it takes long Max 2-3 days The kind:colic or cramp Location:usually :Midline in suprapubic, sth in back,flunk,thigh Associated: vomiting and faintness,loss of appetite,diarhea,headache Reduce with increasing NVD
Etiology (primary dysmenorhea) Decrease of progestrone in the end of luteal phase(near to next mense)=>lysosome rupture => phospholipase A2 + => Increase PG of uterus,vasoconstrictor
Secondary Dysmenorrhea Painful menses secondary to pathology Onset =>always after 20 y Pain may begin before bleeding and may last for entire duration Commoner 30s and 40s
Secondary Dysmenorrhea Endometriosis Polyp(source=>endometer) Fibroidce (source=>myometer) Pelvic Inflammatory Disease(PID) Uterine anomalies(Bicorn uterus,...) Ovarian
History Taking so according tht treat Timing Severity Disruption in life-style Previous gynae history Contraceptive needs Wish for fertility
Examination Vaginal exam not essential in young female with ? Primary dysmenorrhea Vagina ?septum/ tenderness in BME Uterus? size / mobility/ position/tenderness Adnexa ?tenderness/ enlargement
Investigations Transabdominal ultrasound with full bladder Transvaginal ultrasound –increased sensitivity Laparoscopy –gold standard for endometriosis Risks versus CAN’T FIND ANY PATHOLOGY
Management Primary Spasmodic Dysmenorrhea Education esp husband Nutrition:decrease taking sweet,fatty,alchohol,coffeine,choclate,salt,red meat Increase sea food,vegetable,fruit Exercise:aerobic(Min 30 minutes, 4times/weeks Calcium supplement=>decrease mood disorders
MEDICAL THERAPY Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors(NSAIDS)=>Mefenamic acid or Ibuprofen(Advil) taking regular from first day till 3 days(No need taking before mestural cycle)
Combined oral contraceptive pill-choose a progestagen dominant pill Such as Tricycle” pill IN RESISTANT CASES: Presacral neurectomy hystrectomy
In Failure to respond to Pill=>> Regard secondary dysmenorhea increases likelihood of underlying pathology tht treatment is due to the patology
PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) Physiological premenstrual change About 95% of females experience one or more symptom
Symptoms Physical :bloating/breast tenderness/headache/flushing Psychological:agression/agitation/crying bouts/depression/irritability
Etiology PMS exists only in ovulation cycle SO it’s not in menapause,oophorectomy,non ovulatory cycles It happens in luteal phase not in follicular phase
Etiology SO Endocrine changes =>decrease endocrine,serotonin in PG metabolism, IN LUTEAL PHASE,change
Treatment Control as dysmenorhea Psychologic treatment by relaxation or medical therapy if needed SSRI inhibitors:Floxetin( both continuous,intermittant are effective) Nortriptilin in severe deppression)(25 mg /day through the cycle) Alprazolam in severe anxiety
Bromocriptin in breast congestion (2.5 mg from the Day 10 to 26 of the cycle) In severe breast congestion =>danazole is OK Spirinolactone in severe weight gain,edema,abdomen bloating
If no response to usual Treatment??? Temporary or permanent abolition of ovulation by: GnRH analogue plus Add back regimen OCP,High dose of progestrone (Depo provera 150 mg every 3 months) Hysterectomy and Oophorectomy if not response to other want to be pregnant