ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Workshop #23 Pasadena, USA 25 rd March 2015 Sam Cooper Common services update (part 2)
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Overview Common services are being updated in line with latest COM Expanding to cover the automatic configuration use case Common services are: Directory Service lookup Login Operator log in Replay Replay session management and control Interaction Application and Operator interaction Configuration Service provider configuration management Part 1 Part 2
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 3 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Configuration service The Configuration service allows a service consumer to activate pre-defined configurations of a service provider Configuration definition originally outside of scope Only activation of pre-defined configurations Expansion of service based on MOSSG “plug’n’play” use case to support standardised configuration information Extra operations to list, add, remove, etc Concept of a standardised XML configuration Area IdentifierService IdentifierArea Number Service Number Area Version CommonConfiguration351 Interaction PatternOperation IdentifierOperation Number Support in Replay Capability Set INVOKEactivate1No 1 REQUESTlist2Yes 2 REQUESTgetCurrentConfiguration3Yes REQUESTgetXMLConfiguration4Yes 3 REQUESTadd5No 4 SUBMITremove6No REQUESTstoreCurrentConfiguration7No 5 REQUESTstoreXMLconfiguration8No 6 Area IdentifierService IdentifierArea Number Service Number Area Version CommonConfiguration351 Interaction PatternOperation IdentifierOperation Number Support in Replay Capability Set INVOKEactivate1No1
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 4 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Concepts: Types of configuration There are 3 supported types of Configuration: Hard-coded configurations Identifiable but have no visible definition Their definition is represented by code rather than a configuration file Example: camera preset modes Non-COM compliant configurations Do not use the COM object model Definition may be held in COM Archive but as a file Example: Non-MO service configuration COM compliant configurations Use the COM object model for configuration information Definition objects are COM objects Example: Aggregation service configuration
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 5 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Concepts: Levels of configuration There are also 3 levels of Configuration: Service Configuration Configuration of a single service in a provider Includes all the attribute values of its definition objects Provider Configuration The set of “Service Configurations” of a single provider Will include zero to many Service Configurations Composite Configuration The set of several “Provider Configurations” Used for mission/agency etc level configurations
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 6 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Concepts: Configuration representation There are 3 supported ways of representing a Configuration: No representation i.e. hard-coded configurations such as camera preset modes Implementation-specific representation i.e. existing service provider configuration file COM Standardised representation XML representation of COM objects that represent a service’s configuration i.e. AggregationDefinition COM objects –But not AggregationValue COM objects The Configurations shall use the COM object concept for configuration identification Use of the COM Archive service for configuration storage should be optional COM based services should add a new section to each service specification to define its configuration object
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 7 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Operation: list Inputs: Outputs: Object ids of configurations Description: Returns a list of known configurations Returned object ids can be used by the activate and get operations
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 8 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Operation: activate Inputs: Configuration object id Outputs: Description: The activate operation allows a service consumer to active the designated Configuration for the respective service(s). The operation causes the Configuration service provider to publish a “Configuration Switch Request” event containing the selected service to be reconfigured The service provider that implements the selected service shall, after the reception of the event, reconfigure itself and publish a “Configuration Switch Success/Failure” event
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 9 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Operation: getCurrentConfiguration Inputs: Outputs: Object Ids Description: The getCurrent operation returns the current configuration of a Probably only returns ObjectId (type & key)
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 10 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Operation: getXMLConfiguration Inputs: Object Id, Boolean flag for compact/complete version Outputs: File/XML Description: The getXMLConfiguration operation returns the actual Configuration information in the XML format from the objId stored in the Archive The Configuration shall be in the Standardised format and one of two levels of detail, compact or complete, can be selected Compact contains just the COM object instance identifiers with the respective domains and object types Complete augments the compact with the additional set of values inside the respective service objects
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 11 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Operation: add Inputs:, Object Ids Outputs: Description: Adds a new Configuration to the list of available configurations in the Configuration Service The Configuration must already exist in the COM archive to be added to the Configuration Service There needs to consideration of how this will work with non-COM compliant services though
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 12 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Operation: remove Inputs: Object Ids Outputs: Description: Removes a Configuration from the list of available configurations in the configuration service The Configuration shall not be removed from the COM Archive
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 13 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Operation: storeCurrentConfiguration Inputs:, Boolean for auto-add Outputs: Object Id Description: Generates a new Configuration object with the current Configuration of a specific Stores the new Configuration object in the COM archive Can be optionally added to the list of available configurations
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 14 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Operation: storeXMLConfiguration Inputs: File(XML) Optional Name, Boolean for auto-add Outputs: Object Id Description: Reads a configuration held in the standardised XML representation from supplied file The StoreXMLConfiguration generates a new Configuration object from the objects held in the XML file It stores the Configuration objects in the COM archive Optionally added to the list of available configurations The newly generated Configuration object should be checked for consistency An error shall be raised if the configuration is not valid For every COM object present within the XML file If it does not exist in the COM Archive –A new object shall be created with the same content and stored in the COM Archive If it already exists in the COM Archive –Nothing shall be created and the existing object shall be referenced
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 15 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Standardised XML Representation Features: Standardised representation is optional Only supports COM based services Multi-level (COM && then service specific) There must be a way to relate aspects of one service configuration of a specific provider to aspects of another service configuration of that provider COM object identifiers can do this Gives configuration coherency For a Composite configuration, each Provider section must be uniquely identifiable The standardised representation must support a way for the configuration to indicate which parts apply to which providers A merge with the Directory Service should produce a Space System Model Implies the same tree organisation Means Directory service output should have a standard representation too This is in fact the configuration of the Directory Service provider
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 16 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Use case: Service client Service client needs to get the current Provider Configuration: Find Directory service Perform lookup on Directory service Returns response which contains some provider objects Work out which providers we want to talk to Find Configuration service in Directory service Get current configuration of providers from configuration service Configuration::getCurrentConfiguration operation The configuration can then be retrieved from the Archive (using the COM Archive operations) Or requested as a XML file with getXMLConfiguration Can choose to get it as either: A large XML file containing references and definition values A small XML file containing just references Or a set of COM object references (in MAL format rather than XML directly) from the COM Archive
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 17 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Use case: Provider reconfigure Sequence for reconfiguring service provider: … find Configuration service in Directory service Get list of possible Provider Configurations Select one from list and call activate on Configuration service provider First case is when the Configuration service provider is the same application as the Parameter service provider In this mode the activate request results in a COM event being published announcing the configuration change request Provider should publish a matching event giving the success or failure result Second case is when the Configuration service provider is shared between many applications In this mode the activate request results in a COM event being published announcing the configuration change request Any affected providers should publish a matching event giving their success or failure result
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Use case: Service provider start-up Two possible sequences for this: First is where provider loads in last or default configure automatically Expanded below Second is where provider starts up without a configuration and waits to have one activated for it See “Provider reconfigure” sequence Sequence for service provider start-up: … find Configuration service in Directory service Get list of possible configurations from Configuration service provider Need to be able to represent “default” or “last state” configuration Load in configuration and reconfigure internally
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 19 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Use case: Store current configuration Sequence to store the current service Provider Configuration for reuse on start-up: … find Configuration service in Directory service Call storeCurrentConfiguration on the Configuration Service provider passing in the provider/service object identifiers The actual service configuration objects are not duplicated as they are already in the archive The new configuration is added to the list of available configurations for that service/provider … ??? The configuration is marked as the current/latest configuration
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 20 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Summary Work to do is: Define how the Configuration service represents the COM configuration objects Complete the specification of how the activation and store operations work Define what details each COM based service must list Update the book!
CCSDS Common services| 25Mar15| ESA | Slide 21 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use End