Chapter 10 Section 2
In 1789, the people of France had risen up against their King. The leaders of this revolution promised democracy. Mobs cheered as the new government chopped off the heads of 17,000 wealthy French men and women. In 1793, during the ”Reign of Terror”, a radical group beheaded King Louis XVI. The news from France about the “French Revolution” caused Americans to think again.
Beheading of King Louis XVI In 1793, during the “Reign of Terror”, a radical group beheaded King Louis XVI.
By 1793, France was at war with most of Europe and Great Britain. The conflict posed a problem for the United States. Republicans wanted to support France in its war with Britain and most of Europe. Federalists sided with Britain. Washington wanted to stay neutral. Neutral-not taking either side in a conflict
At home an excise tax led to the Whiskey Rebellion. In 1791, the Whiskey Rebellion was created by backcountry farmers from GA to PA when a tax on whiskey was issued. President Washington led an army of 13,000 soldiers to end the rebellion. Excise tax- a tax on the production or sale of a certain product
President Washington also sent troops to the Ohio Valley to force Indians to give up land. Washington gave command to General “Mad Anthony” Wayne, who crushed the spirit of the Indians at the Battle of Fallen Timbers. The Indians gave up the land when they signed The Treaty of Greenville.(1795)
The conflict with Britain increased. Americans believed British forts supplied Indians with weapons. The British seized American ships and impressed sailors, which forced them to work on British warships. Impressed-force to serve in a nation’s military
Jay’s Treaty- The British gave up their forts in the Northwest, but refused to stop impressing American sailors from American ships that were trading with France. The deal was made by Chief Justice John Jay.
Pickney’s Treaty- the treaty was between the Spanish and America. It was helped by Thomas Pickney. The treaty stated that Spain would allow America the use of the Mississippi River and port of New Orleans.
Washington retired as President in He retired amid cheers from Federalists. Despite some criticism from Republicans, Washington could take pride in what he had accomplished.