UNIX Portable (common to many computer architectures), multitasking, multi-user operating system Introduced by Bell labs in mid-1960’s Thus, much longer history of serious computing than Windows or Apple OS (Apple OS is practically UNIX) Stable, secure, high performance Practically never needs rebooting Implementations on PC are called Linux Linux is only the kernel, and numerous packages with graphical interfaces are available See All distributions come with hundreds of free programs Note LibreOffice, Octave We use Red Hat Enterprise (this one is not free, but there exists a free equivalent) – good for development, parallel computing I use Fedora at home Many people love Ubuntu (user- and media-oriented)
UNIX shell Seismic Un*x and GMT rely on the ability of the shell to combine many programs for achieving a common task Every processing flow in Seismic Un*x and every image in GMT should be described by a shell script
UNIX pipelines
Useful shell commands