Looking for Meaning
Who is God? What is God like? Ultimate being Creator of the world Sustainer of the world Deity The One Almighty God: Father, Son & Holy Spirit Lord Allah
Nature of God Does God exist? Is there an ultimate being? I wonder…………?! Experiences in life desire answers………….?! What is God ‘like’? How can we describe ‘Him’?
Some views………. Great architect: designer of the world Judge: the one who decides where we go after we have died She! Not He! All-knowing, all-powerful, all-present?! As a caring Father All-loving?! Why suffering / evil then?
What Shapes our Views Regarding the Nature of God? Family background Own experiences Experiences of those we love & respect Views formed after reading sacred texts The teaching of a religious organisation Architecture The lives of religious leaders Media Expressions: Symbolism & Imagery
Pointing to……….and explaining! Symbolism: Something that points to or explains something else. Religious symbolism: reveal specific beliefs within the life of the church by experiencing certain practices. Religious believers wear or use meaningful symbols that reflect their belief in God. Religious symbols are sacred and can be used to aid worship and offer reassurance.
Christianity: The Cross All Christians believe in the doctrine (teaching) of the INCARNATION Jesus: God in the flesh (born of Mary) Jesus of Nazareth was both DIVINE and HUMAN, GOD and MAN All Christians believe that Jesus is the ‘fullest’ / ‘most complete’ way (revelation) that people can know and worship God.
The Cross: a reminder! The CROSS is the prime Christian symbol because it reminds all Christians that Jesus died on Good Friday and rose again (resurrected) on Easter Sunday. The Cross symbolises the nature of God and what Christians believe about God
Where do Christians find the Cross? Architecture (birds eye view of churches) In churches, chapels & cathedrals Stained glass Crosses (without body) Crucifix (with body) Some Christians (mainly Roman Catholics and Orthodox) make the sign of the cross Churchyards / cemeteries
The Trinity: 3 in 1, 1 in 3! Christians believe in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. H²0:gas (steam), solid (ice), liquid (water) H²0:gas is not solid is not liquid but all are H²0!
‘It’s all a mystery to me!’ God is ONE but is KNOWN and EXPERIENCED through THREE distinct persons of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son & Holy Spirit. There are three ‘persons’ but the three reveal the unity of GOD-AS-ONE. Each ‘person’ is an aspect of God’s nature Christians believe that GOD is THREE-IN-ONE & ONE-IN-THREE!
More on the Cross The ‘passion’ (suffering) of Christ is revealed on the Cross / Crucifix Jesus is LORD: equal with God, the Father Jesus is REDEEMER: pays the ‘ransom’ to set others free by bringing them forgiveness and eternal life. Jesus is also called: Son of God, Messiah, Christ, Son of God and Prince of Peace.
How is Christ’s passion at work today? The ‘Way of the Cross’ (Good Friday) 14 Stations of the Cross (mainly in Lent) Christians are encouraged to enter into the mystery of their REDEMPTION. Christians believe that Jesus’ death on the Cross was the greatest act of love (atoning sacrifice) as he freely gave himself up to die for all people to overcome sin and death (new life and hope of Easter).