Gold In EsteemAt Risk ♦ Task and structure focused.♦ Complains and behaves with self-pity. ♦ Serious attitude.♦ Exhibits anxiety and worry ♦ Likes to do things to help.♦ Is depressed and acts fatigued. ♦ Cares for own body and health. ♦ Expresses psychosomatic problems. ♦ Direct but cautious.♦ Malicious in judgment of self and others ♦ Co-operative and obedient to rules. ♦ Exhibits ‘blind herd’ mentality. ♦ Respects authority.♦ Authoritarian in manner.
Orange In EsteemAt Risk ♦ Acts boldly and is direct.♦ Acts rude and with defiance. ♦ Risk-taking behavior.♦ Breaks the rules on purpose. ♦ Acts impulsively and spontaneously. ♦ Runs away, drops out. ♦ Seeks physical or financial adventure. ♦ May be involved with drugs. ♦ Wants ‘hands-on’ activities.♦ Acts out boisterously. ♦ Is assertive and to the point.♦ Lying and cheating behavior. ♦ Is extremely physical.♦ Violent behavior.
BLUE In EsteemAt Risk ♦ Appreciates everything and everyone. ♦ Attention-getting misbehavior. ♦ Behaves with honesty and integrity. ♦ Lying to ‘save face’. ♦ Likes team work and communicates easily. ♦ Withdraws. ♦ Creates things to make life better. ♦ Fantasizes, daydreams excessively. ♦ Contagiously enthusiastic. Expresses feelings. ♦ Cries often and appears depressed. ♦ Is co-operative and encourages others. ♦ Behaves in passive- resistant ways. ♦ Is calm and strives for peace and harmony. ♦ Expresses emotion by yelling and screaming.
Green In EsteemAt Risk ♦ Questions and explores ideas. ♦ Behaves indecisively. ♦ Considers other’s ideas♦ Refuses to comply or cooperate. ♦ Works independently.♦ Extreme aloofness and withdrawal. ♦ Pleasant but not very involved socially. ♦ “Snobbish” put-downs and sarcastic remarks. ♦ Thrives on own work and ingenuity. ♦ Refusal to communicate. Exhibits the silent treatment. ♦ Strives for improvement.♦ Perfection tied to performance anxiety. ♦ Has high expectations.♦ Highly critical attitudes toward self and others.