By Teagan Andrews
Carbohydrates Main source of energy from food Types: - Simple ( simple sugars) - Complex ( starches) Food: candy, fruit, dairy, grains, pasta, etc… Break down into glucose molecules Used for structure Should be 55% of diet
Fats Stores energy Insulates & protects the body Types: -Saturated(fish and plants) -Mono unsaturated (meat and animal products) -Poly unsaturated (snacks, baked goods, fried food) Food: meat, eggs, dairy, oils, baked good Fat: 1 gram = 9 calories 3%-5% men, 8–12% women
Protein Essential for growth and repairing tissues Types: -about 50,000 Food : beef, fish, dairy products, etc… Should eat one gram per kilogram Protein: 1 gram = 4 calories 10 % of daily diet
Fibre Important for digestion Types: -Soluble -Insoluble Food: fruits, vegetables, beans, grain, wheat, etc… Found in the cell walls of plants 20 grams a day
Vitamins Make body work properly Types: -Vitamin A: improves eyesight/healthy skin -Vitamin C: helps strengthen gums and muscles -Vitamin D: strengthens bones and teeth etc… Food: fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, dairy products 98% don’t eat proper amount
Minerals(dietary) Trace amount of needed substance Types: -Iron (Fe) -Zinc (Zn) -Calcium (C2) -Potassium (K) Food: vegetables, salt, meat, dairy, seeds, etc… Work in proper balance The body contains 50 minerals
Water Carries oxygen and nutrients to cells Types: - Mineral Water -Spring Water -Sparkling water You need water to survive glasses of water daily 75% of body is water
Bibliography /food/carb.html