VP Student Issues Exec Report
Luca Lazylegz + ILL Abilities -Success, 130 or so in attendance! - Interview to be released by M. Quinn mid next week, from there posted on KUCSC website / King’s Website - Huge Thank you to Rebecca Rivers!
King’s Vegan Dinner
It Get’s Better Project… 4
It Get’s Better King’s 5
Susan Elgie 6
What’s Your Type? Booth in Caf + Blood Donor Clinic -Our Goal for the Blood Donor Clinic was a quota of 43 donors and 62 showed up!
Clothing Swap Table Thank you to Skylar Franke for this Green Initiative, the “Free Market” table this past Friday! 8
9 Inter Cultural Dialogue
Movember Booth 10-3, Cafeteria Tuesday and Thursday! 9
Shine the Light + White Ribbon Stop by the the lunch hour this Tuesday and Wednesday to grab a white ribbon if you haven’t already! 10
Tour of Adrian Norvid’s art exhibition “Showstoppers, Whoppers, Downers and Out Of Towners” Tuesday, November 27th, at 4:30 pm The McIntosh Gallery 1151 Richmond St; or visit mcintoshgallery.ca. with a talk by curator James Patten and light refreshments following the tour Shuttle buses leave King’s at 3.50 PM and 4.20 PM; return from Main at 5.40 PM. The Centre for Creativity
The Circle - Mental Health Advisory Team on November 6 th came up with this great initiative! -A Group which is not a counseling group but instead a discussion group -Come join us on Thursday 29 9pm
Mental Health Awareness Week Monday: Gillian: 2:30-4:30 on Monday Art Therapist Alumni Lounge Tuesday relaxologist Shannon holmes 2:00- 4:00 OC Don Team Ice Cream Social on Wednesday Thursday: *yoga instructor Therapy dogs on Friday in Alumni Lounge 7:00- 9:00pm December 13th 7-8:30pm Dogs
14 Animal Rights Club Event: This coming Friday! Vegucated Screening + Potluck this past Friday 14
–Montreal Massacre Memorial (December 6 th ) –5:30pm – 5:45pm – Vitali Lounge Ext. – Premiere of King’s Student Made “White Ribbon Campaign Video” - 6pm - 7pm -Vitali Lounge Ext. – Speaker: Trevor Hinds, Program Director of Changing Ways ( will be speaking about this organization which supports men in their efforts to end abusive behaviour in their relationships.) –7:30pm - 9:00pm - Vitali Lounge : Documentary Screening of Polytechnique – 6-7 Vitali Lounge Extension Speaker Trevor Hinds Program Director of Changing ways will be speaking about his work this organization which supports men in their efforts to end abusive behaviour in their relationships.)
White Ribbon Campaign Video Please Me ASAP if you are interested! 16
Art Competition February 19th 17
19 Geoff Smith On the 25th of January from 7pm 19
20 Recruit & Spread the Word...
18 Get at Me 18
19 “We see things not as they are, but as we are.” - H. M. Tomlinson 19