EVITherM The European Virtual Institute for Thermal Metrology Emissivity and other infrared-optical properties (WP6) MPDB (Material Property Database) “Pay for” database containing data of hemispherical total emissivity and normal total emissivity of some elements, Aluminum alloys, Iron alloys,Nickel alloys,Refractory metal alloys,Simple Oxides,Other materials, Glasses & Metallic glasses. Available databases AIST(Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, Japan) Free database, RIO-DB(Research Information Data Base) Optical Properties of Ceramics and Ceramics Thin Films Database _____________________________________________________ WP 6 Kick-off Meeting, IMGG, Turin, Tuesday, 22 April 2003
EVITherM The European Virtual Institute for Thermal Metrology Emissivity and other infrared-optical properties (WP6) Available databases _____________________________________________________ WP 6 Kick-off Meeting, IMGG, Turin, Tuesday, 22 April 2003
EVITherM The European Virtual Institute for Thermal Metrology Emissivity and other infrared-optical properties (WP6) Available databases THERSYST The database is maintained at the University of Stuttgart. Not available on the web The database gives experimentally determined thermophysical data for (metallic) materials in solid and liquid state. Thermophysical Properties available: 1) specific heat, 2) heat of fusion, 3) thermal expansion, 4) thermal conductivity, 5) thermal diffusivity, 6) density, 7) electrical resistivity 8) several optical properties. _____________________________________________________ WP 6 Kick-off Meeting, IMGG, Turin, Tuesday, 22 April 2003
EVITherM The European Virtual Institute for Thermal Metrology Emissivity and other infrared-optical properties (WP6) Available databases Thermophysical Properties of Matter, TPRC Data Services, Y.S. Touloukian and C.Y. Ho (Editors) gives emittance, reflectance and transmittance of metallic elements and alloys, non metallic solids, coating of various materials. Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids E.D. Palik: Academic Press, San Diego gives the optical constants of various materials in a book and on a CD-ROM. _____________________________________________________ WP 6 Kick-off Meeting, IMGG, Turin, Tuesday, 22 April 2003
EVITherM The European Virtual Institute for Thermal Metrology Emissivity and other infrared-optical properties (WP6) Available databases (specialised) Optical properties of glasses SciGlass (by SciVision) ( Glass database with over 1,000,000 property values in 70 property categories with concise methods of measurement and references. Also includes property calculations, optical spectra,ternary property diagrams and more. _____________________________________________________ WP 6 Kick-off Meeting, IMGG, Turin, Tuesday, 22 April 2003
EVITherM The European Virtual Institute for Thermal Metrology Emissivity and other infrared-optical properties (WP6) Available databases (specialised) Spectroscopic databases on optical properties of gas HITRAN “pay-for” database HITRAN is a compilation of spectroscopic parameters which a variety of computer codes use to predict and simulate the transmission and emission of light in the atmosphere (transmittance, emissivity etc. of variuos gas components can be calculated from them) HITEMP (high-temperature spectroscopic absorption parameters) DLR database owned by DLR in Munich, Germany. _____________________________________________________ WP 6 Kick-off Meeting, IMGG, Turin, Tuesday, 22 April 2003
EVITherM The European Virtual Institute for Thermal Metrology Emissivity and other infrared-optical properties (WP6) List of organisations/journals for EVITherM promotion: NMIs web pages Accreditation Authorities EAEuropean co-operation for Accreditation IAFInternational Accreditation Forum ILACInernational Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation _____________________________________________________ WP 6 Kick-off Meeting, IMGG, Turin, Tuesday, 22 April 2003
EVITherM The European Virtual Institute for Thermal Metrology Emissivity and other infrared-optical properties (WP6) List of organisations/journals for EVITherM promotion: Standards Bodies CEN European Committee for Standardization CENELECEuropean Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization EOTCEuropean Organization for Testing and Certification IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission ISOInternational Organisation for Standardization _____________________________________________________ WP 6 Kick-off Meeting, IMGG, Turin, Tuesday, 22 April 2003
EVITherM The European Virtual Institute for Thermal Metrology Emissivity and other infrared-optical properties (WP6) List of organisations/journals for EVITherM promotion: National Organizations/journals (in Italy): SIT (Italian Calibration Service) SINCERT (Italian National System for Accreditation of Certification and Inspection Bodies) SINAL (National System for Laboratory Accreditation) GISI (Gruppo Imprese Strumentazione Italia) Tutto_Misure (journal of metrology, quality and tests) _____________________________________________________ WP 6 Kick-off Meeting, IMGG, Turin, Tuesday, 22 April 2003
EVITherM The European Virtual Institute for Thermal Metrology Emissivity and other infrared-optical properties (WP6) List of organisations/journals for EVITherM promotion: National Organizations/journals (in France): SOCIETE FRANCAISE de THERMIQUE (SFT) e mail : Web site : International Journal of Thermal Sciences. (published by SFT) Editor : Elsevier Web site : Contrôles Essais Mesures - France – Paris Editor : Sogi Communication (Paris) Web site : _____________________________________________________ WP 6 Kick-off Meeting, IMGG, Turin, Tuesday, 22 April 2003
EVITherM The European Virtual Institute for Thermal Metrology Emissivity and other infrared-optical properties (WP6) List of organisations/journals for EVITherM promotion: National Organizations/journals (in Denmark): : weekly technical newpaper with readers in Denmark _____________________________________________________ WP 6 Kick-off Meeting, IMGG, Turin, Tuesday, 22 April 2003