STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS 1988 Act - News and Current Affairs 20% of Broadcasting Time 2 hours 7am – 7pm CONTRACTUAL PROVISIONS Programme Schedule Programme Policy Statement
LOCALNESS - POLICY CONTEXT Commercial Radio Services BCI Ownership and Control Policy Local ownership no longer a requirement - Programming and management deliver local ethos. Community Radio Services - Policy Owned and controlled by local community - Programming by the community which meets communication needs of the community.
NATIONAL RADIO SERVICES Radio 1- Speech/News based 25+ (PBS) 2 FM - Music based 15 + (PBS) Lyric FM - Classical Music and Arts (PBS) R na G - Irish language (PBS) Today FM - Music based 25 + (private)
LOCAL RADIO SERVICES Adult Population (15+) under 200, local broad-format services Adult Population (15+) over 200,000 - Cork (356,000): 2 music-based 1 broad-format - Dublin (921,000): 5 music-based 1 News 1 PBS 2 more expected Pilot regional service (334, ) - youth
COMMUNITY RADIO SERVICES -Geographical Community 10 services -Community of Interest 4 services -Five more expected this year.
PERFORMANCE Listenership - reach 86% (adults) 2003 Advertising Revenue All radio services €97m PBS radio €30m Private radio €67m Community - Turnover €1.25m
LOCALNESS - COMMERCIAL RADIO Management - Does management team have relevant broadcasting and business expertise -Does it include sufficient personnel with necessary experience, expertise and knowledge of specified local area
LOCALNESS - COMMERCIAL RADIO Programming - Is the quality, range and type of programming in the schedule appropriate to listeners in specified local area. -Does Programme Policy Statement reflect sufficient commitment to (a) serving local community (b) new opportunities for Irish talent etc (c ) Irish culture and language
LOCALNESS - COMMUNITY RADIO Ownership and Management - Owned by non-profit community organisation -Membership and management by the members of the community served - clear definition of community served is important
LOCALNESS - COMMUNITY RADIO Programming - primarily by members of the community served -should reflect the interests and needs of community served - should add to diversity or programming available to community -should facilitate and support community access
PROGRAMME POLICY STATEMENT Broadcasting Philosophy and target audience/community served Total Number of Broadcasting hours - automation Presentation Style News Current affairs Sport General Music Specialist Music Irish Music Special Interest Speech Irish Language and Promotion of Irish Talent Acquired/networked programming
PROGRAMME SCHEDULE Seven day indicative schedule Reflect the commitments in the Programme Policy Statement in 7am-7pm and over the total broadcast day. Allows flexibility in relation to individual presenters, and some format and content issues Allows some seasonal flexibility.
DIGITALISATION -Planning underway currently - policy expected in Implementation from 2007 onwards - coincide with expiry of national commercial radio franchise - DAB and DRM being considered. -National DAB platform for PBS envisaged -Two possible DAB plans for commercial services under consideration
DAB -PLAN A -National DAB platform for up to five national channels - possible mix of commercial and non-commercial - Local services on local multiplex - based on existing county/dual county model - Greater possibility for overlap
DAB -PLAN B - Local services on local multiplex - based on existing county/dual county model. - National service/s carried as channel/s on local multiplexes across the country.