Chapter 8 The War for Independence 4 th Grade
At War with the Homeland Fighting at Lexington and Concord Meeting of the Second Continental Congress Olive Branch Petition sent to King George III Colonies asked to send soldiers George Washington to lead army Fighting at Lexington and Concord Meeting of the Second Continental Congress Olive Branch Petition sent to King George III Colonies asked to send soldiers George Washington to lead army
At War with the Homeland Continental Army Battle of Bunker Hill, Boston Training of the army Continentals British Advantage Mercenaries Continental Army Battle of Bunker Hill, Boston Training of the army Continentals British Advantage Mercenaries
The Decision for Independence Thomas Paine Common Sense Revolution Independence Allegiance Declaration grievances Thomas Paine Common Sense Revolution Independence Allegiance Declaration grievances
Americans Take Sides Neutral Religion Society of Friends (Quakers) Pacifists The movement Unmarried Ladies of America Loyalists Neutral Religion Society of Friends (Quakers) Pacifists The movement Unmarried Ladies of America Loyalists
Americans Take Sides Native Americans Encroach Africans Regiment Native Americans Encroach Africans Regiment
Samuel’s Choice Choosing sides
Victory and Independence Valley Forge, Pennsylvania Patriots declare independence Soldiers from other countries Victory at Saratoga Siege Other countries help the colonists American Heros Valley Forge, Pennsylvania Patriots declare independence Soldiers from other countries Victory at Saratoga Siege Other countries help the colonists American Heros
Victory and Independence Victory at Yorktown The Treaty of Paris Treaty Negotiated Victory at Yorktown The Treaty of Paris Treaty Negotiated