LAMP and his best friend, UNIS How to measure experiments with them 101/06/2012 Raphael Dourado Fibre-BR I&M Team Meeting
UNIS (Unified Network Information Services) 201/06/2012
UNIS pS-TopologyService + pS- LookupService The GENI Measurement Information will rely on UNIS technology Is an “information service plane” What is UNIS? 301/06/2012 pS- TopologyService pS- LookupService UNIS
Provide meta-information like: – The location of an MP – The MP that is closest to you – Etc. What UNIS can do for you? 401/06/2012
UNIS “Built upon the same base elements as defined in the NM-WG topology schema” Closely follows the ongoing work of NML-WG for defining a standardized topology representation UNIS schema 501/06/2012
UNIS Definition of a node: UNIS schema (within a GENI Rspec file): 601/06/2012
UNIS Defining a GRE Tunnel UNIS schema (within a GENI Rspec file) 701/06/2012
LAMP 801/06/2012
LAMP 1: Modify the Rspec – You need to specify which nodes of your slice will be MPs Setting up an experiment step by step 901/06/2012 Slice LAMP Web Portal Node1 (MP) Node2 (MP)
LAMP 2: Create and start the slice – In a terminal: – After executing this script, the ProtoGENI CM returns a Manifest file Setting up an experiment step by step 1101/06/2012 ProtoGENI default script Slice’s name Our modified Rspec (previous slide)
LAMP The returned Manifest 1201/06/2012
LAMP 3: Upload the experiment’s topology to UNIS Setting up an experiment step by step 1301/06/2012 UNIS Slice MP LAMP Web Portal There is a UNIS node deployed at UDel
LAMP 3: Upload the experiment’s topology to UNIS – In a terminal: – If everything work fine... Setting up an experiment step by step 1401/06/ The returned Manifest file 2 2 The slice’s URN 3 3 User’s credential (optional)
LAMP 3: Upload the experiment’s topology to UNIS – If everything is right... Setting up an experiment step by step 1501/06/2012
LAMP 4: Accessing the LAMP Portal 1601/06/2012
LAMP 5: Enable meas services on nodes 1701/06/2012
LAMP 6: Configure simple tests
LAMP 7: Push configuration to UNIS
LAMP 8: Enjoy!
LAMP 8: Enjoy!
References Fernandes, Guilherme et. al. Requirements and Design Notes for the GENI Instrumentation and Measurement Architecture: perfSONAR and pGIMI. Requirements%26Design.pdf Requirements%26Design.pdf LAMP Tutorial. Portnoi, Marcos; Swany, Martin. Unified Network Information Services (UNIS) allow users to discover network services and capabilities /06/2012
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