Improving Local Indicators Project 3 rd Consultation Workshop David Hume Chair of Project Board
Outline of Presentation Context: The shift to an outcomes focus Background, structure, aims and governance of the project The process to date Key points from the previous two consultation events Focus of today’s event Next steps
Context The shift to an outcomes focus Focus on ‘difference made’ Concordat between Scottish Government and COSLA Single Outcome Agreements Guidance to Public Bodies on Outcomes Approach Post-Crerar / reducing burdens Best Value 2
Background of project Initial SOLACE discussion on SOAs Joint solution to common challenge faced across 32 SOAs General desire for:- Fewer, better indicators Greater clarity of focus Reducing administrative / reporting burdens
Project Governance SOLACE-led project Project Board Co-ordination Group Input from key sectors involved in SOAs SOLACE Scottish Government COSLA NHS Improvement Service Enterprise Agencies Police Skills Development Scotland Fire & Rescue Scottish Natural Heritage Audit Scotland Scottish Funding Council (other sectors inputting via consultative mechanisms)
Project Aims Clarity on what we are seeking to measure Starting point is key outcomes identified in SOAs …and working back from that… What are the most meaningful & robust outcome indicators available at local level? What are the gaps? How can we fill them?
Project Aims (Wider issues) Begin to consider wider related issues Scope for more effective planning and data collection Data management Contribution analysis Capacity-building issues
The Process to Date 1. Development of assessment criteria for indicators: 1. Relevant and unambiguous 2. Harmonised with other frameworks and concepts 3. Timely and accessible 4. Statistically robust 5. Affordable
The Process to Date 2. Nine discussion papers prepared One for each policy theme Based on indicators from the Improvement Service’s Menu (Version 3) Written by the co-ordination group Starting points for discussions only Intended to provoke thoughts and ideas Different points of view entirely welcome!
The Process to Date #3 3. Two previous consultation events focussed on 5 questions 1. What are the high level / strategic priorities for this area? 2. Are the most appropriate outcome indicators included in the current list? 3. Could there be better indicators that should be used or developed? 4. What are the most relevant equalities issues in this area? 5. What are the gaps around measurement in this area and how might they be filled?
Points from previous events: Economic Gaps are around business satisfaction, innovation and key sectors Equalities issues are perhaps ‘below the waterline’? Advice and guidance needed when interpreting indicators, understanding how they are linked, and setting targets
Points from previous events: Children and Young People Several indicators in the current list were considered to be of no practical use and should be removed Need for measures on achievement rather than just attainment Major equalities issue for Looked After Children needs should be measured Child protection important but impossible to measure outcomes for?
Points from previous events: Community Cohesion Should be about relationships between residents not the built environment Could include fear of crime, civic participation A number of projects and pieces of work happening elsewhere that could inform this work
Points from previous events: Inclusion and Equalities Not adequately covered at present Indicators that are in the menu are not the best – several are ‘below the waterline’ Could include: employability for different equalities groups outcomes for looked after children access to services (esp in rural areas)
Points from previous events: Environment Major gap is the natural environment Indicators on waste need refining More work required on measuring pollution and carbon footprints
Points from previous events: Public Services Maybe not sensible to measure at an outcome level? Outputs and processes rather than outcomes The outcomes are improved economy, health etc Public Service efficiency monitored through other frameworks Need for advice and guidance on appropriate levels of indicators to include in SOAs
Points from previous events: Culture Lack of clarity on what the outcomes are No indicators in current menu adequately address culture Need data on perceptions of culture collected consistently in local surveys Or.. maybe culture is a vehicle toward the other outcomes so doesn’t need measuring directly in SOAs?
Focus of today’s event The practical steps that are required to: a)improve the quality of data that exist and b) fill the gaps where no data exist So that in the future SOAs can more accurately and reliably report on progress towards local outcomes
After today Notes from today’s discussions will be added to the online Community of Practice Discussion will continue on-line Series of smaller consultation meetings The co-ordination group will feed the messages to the Project Board Next version of the Menu will be published in the autumn Recommendations for filling gaps and further developing indicators will be considered by the Project Board
The Local Outcome Indicators Project community of practice