Committee Meeting, June 9, 2008 Strategic Institutional Research Plan
Agenda Agenda 1. Introductions 2.University Strategic Planning Process 3.Concept and Components for ISRP 4.Process and Timing for Developing ISRP
Strategic Planning President - Strategic Planning Reaching our Potential, Planning for Progress Building on Progress, CRC / CFI Plan – Five thematic areas of emphasis: culture and heritage; energy and environment; health; informatics; social justice
Vision The University of Regina is a scholarly community that serves the larger community by advancing, sharing and applying knowledge, and by facilitating the development of thoughtful, creative, adaptable, contributing and humane citizens.
Mission The University of Regina preserves, transmits, interprets, and enhances the cultural, scientific and artistic heritage of humanity through the acquisition and expansion of knowledge and understanding. We apply our skills in the service of society by facilitating constructive criticism, independent thinking, free discussion, and the pursuit of truth, while respecting the rights and responsibilities associated with academic freedom. By interpreting the past and examining and clarifying contemporary thinking we shape the possibilities of the future. We are open to change and enthusiastic about investigation and creativity. We combine a unity of purpose with a diversity of outlook. By encouraging the development of their potential, we prepare our students to participate fully in society, and to respond to the demands of a rapidly changing world in ways that are consistent with the highest human values and aspirations.
Goals Teaching and Learning: Give our students an enviable learning experience. Scholarship and Research: Sustain a vibrant research enterprise where faculty members are enthusiastic about intellectual activity, both curiosity-driven and applied. Service: Take our academic expertise into the community in response to requests or our own perceptions of need. People: Make the University of Regina a preferred place to study and work. Internationalization: Integrate a national and international perspective into our fundamental threefold mission of instruction, research, and service. Accountability: Provide sufficient information to allow informed evaluation of our performance.
Goal - Scholarship and Research Objectives: All faculty are active in scholarship and research and output continues to grow. Student involvement in scholarship and research is increased. Financial and administrative support for scholarship and research are doubled. Total external research funding is doubled.
Performance Measures Aim: Grow and sustain a balanced research culture Selected Measures: Research funding by source Growth in graduate student numbers Number of grants from the federal granting councils per 100 eligible faculty members. No completely satisfactory measure Principal forms of scholarship vary from faculty to faculty
Concepts / Components ISRP Vision / Mission Principles: Strengthen the disciplines as foundations of scholarly enquiry Bridge the disciplines Facilitate basic through applied science and scholarship Enrich society with results of research and scholarship
Concepts / Components ISRP Objectives: Maintain and build capacity for excellent research Recruit and retain outstanding scholars Enhance key research themes Create new opportunities with high impact Enhance research networking and collaboration and stimulate innovative research interactions across disciplines and institutions Strengthen internationally competitive scholarship in strong and emerging areas Capitalize on the full value of intellectual property and commercialization Enhance knowledge mobilization and translate research results for benefit of society
Concept / Components ISRP Adherence to University strategic direction Fundamental research - theoretical and concept- oriented Research intensity, e.g. faculty engaged in high- impact research; growth in funding Innovation - all aspects of theoretical and methodological approaches Collaboration - research partnerships
Concept / Components ISRP Significant activity output, e.g. publication quantity and quality, communication of research; performance and exhibition of scholarly / artistic work; external recognition, citation; patents and commercialization; direct economic impact; impact on public policy Graduate and undergraduate research opportunities Training of highly qualified personnel Internationalism Ability to attract resources Research space Equipment and Infrastructure to support research CRC’s; Centres / Institutes
Two Phases Phase 1: Requested support of Deans / Colleges - May 2008 Assigned resource support for Committee - May 2008 Convened committee - June 2008 Define and reach agreement on components of the ISRP - June 2008 Conduct scan of existing UofR strategic planning documents, as well as a scan of ISRPs at various Canadian universities - June 2008 Preparation of content of first phase document - July 2008 Draft of first phase document for review - August 2008 Final first phase document - August 2008
Two Phases Phase 2: September April 2009 Phase 1 document serves as: Input to development of the larger University strategic plan Input to CFI New Initiatives and Leading Edge Fund competitions.