SAML a mature six year old? Glenn Wearen, Paul Caskey & Josh Howlett
Introduction Identity Management Edugate project
Firstly Identity Management (IdM) Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Identity Management -who?
Who? Students –Onsite / Offsite –Local / Remote –Undergraduate / Postgraduate –Full-time / Part-time –Primary / Post-primary
Who? Employees –Full-time –Part-time –Contractors –Temporary –Teaching –Administrative
Identity Management -what?
What? User –Firstname –Lastname –Password –Group –Role – –Id –X500 –Active Directory –eduPerson –SCHAC –Custom
Identity Management -when?
When? Registration –New Student –Transfer Re-registration –Undergraduate > Postgraduate > Lecturer Graduation Alumni
When? IdM Lifecycle –Provision –Promote –Demote –Disable –Enable –Deprovision –Reprovision –Synchronise
Identity Management -where?
Where? Registry HR Alumni database Directory Database Library External Services
Where? Resources –Application Webmail Portal VLE Device –Computing Resource Desktop Server Grid
Where? Resources Internal –Remotely Accessible? External –Remotely Accessible?
Identity Management -why?
Why? Because we have part of day to day responsibility
Why? Because we have to......if we get it wrong, the consequences can be far reaching.
Why? Because we have to......our users expect to be able to have some control over their digital identity.
Why? Because we have to Student and employee login accounts are valuable.
Identity Management -how?
What is the best practice? Kim Cameron’s 7 Laws of Identity. –1. User Control and Consent –2. Minimal Disclosure for a Constrained Use –3. Justifiable Parties –4. Directed Identity –5. Pluralism of Operators and Technologies –6. Human Integration –7. Consistent Experience Across Contexts
What is the best framework? Centralised
What is the best framework? Centralised Devolved
What is the best framework? Centralised Devolved –SAML (or similar) –Active Directory Inter-domain Trust –Kerberos –RADIUS User-centric
What is the best framework? Centralised Devolved User-centric Hybrid
Edugate e-INIS PRTLI Cycle 4 Research Federated Access Technology Trial Pilot Project
Edugate Research Federated Models Existing Federations –Schema (x500, eduPerson, SCHAC) –Protocols (SAML based only) Policy –Governance (Direction) –Membership (Rules)
Edugate Technology Trial Protocols and Standards –Shibboleth 1.3 & 2.0 –ADFS –SAML –eduPerson Interoperability Performance and scalability
Edugate Pilot Project Services –Managed IdP –Hosted IdP –Hosted SP Applications –Web-based –GRID
Summary IAM Who What When Where Why How Edugate Research Trial Pilot
Lastly Questions Athens Federated Access as SSO for Campus. Federated Access for HEI