Technology and Society
What isTechnology Technology is how people change the world around them. People create technology to meet their needs and to solve problems. The goal of technology is to improve the way people live.
The Six Areas of Technology 1.Communication 2.Transportation 3.Manufacturing 4.Energy and power 5.Biological and chemical 6.Construction
Technology changes over time. Obsolete technology is one that is not longer used. Example: Airplanes flying across the ocean in the 1950s had propeller and took about 12 hours. These technology is not longer in use. Newer airplanes use jet engines (current technology).
Technology as a System A system is a group of parts that work together. A technological system includes a goal, inputs, process, outputs, and, in some cases, feedback.
Parts of a System A goal is the purpose of the system. An input is something that is put into the system in order to reach the goal. A process is the series of actions that happens in the system. An output is a result or product. Feedback is information a system uses to make sure the system meets the goal.
Technology’s Impact on Society Technology has both good and bad impacts on society.
Analyzing Risks and Benefits In deciding whether to use a particular technology-or how to use it-people must analyze possible risks and benefits.
Risk-benefit analysis Involves evaluation of possible problems compared to advantages. Requires logical thinking and common sense.
Values and Trade-Offs When values conflict, a decision involves trade-offs. Trade-off: Exchanging one benefit for another.
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