VIVO Conference 2013 Panel on VIVO Use-Cases for Collaborative Science: From Researcher Networks to Semantic User Interfaces for Data Patrick West – Tetherless World Constellation Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY
Introduction Patrick West – Senior Software Engineer Tetherless World Constellation Rensselaer Polytechnic Intstitute TWC –A Constellation at RPI that consists of three senior faculty of James A. Hendler, Deborah L. McGuiness, and Peter Fox and Joanne Luciano an Associate Professor –Any given time we have 20+ Ph.D. students, 3-5 Master’s Students, and 3-5 Undergraduate students plus –Span many different departments in the University, mainly Cognitive Science, Earth and Environmental Science, Computer Science, and Information Technology and Web Science –The projects that I focus on are related to data science, data management, data stewardship, science informatics, and knowledge provenance 1
Deep Carbon Observatory –Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Funded –DCO is a much larger project with many different collaborators from all around the world who are focusing on the study of Carbon in the Deep Earth. –Four main areas of study are Deep Energy – developing a fundamental understanding of environments and processes that regulate the volume and rates of hydrocarbons and other organic species. Deep Life – assessing the nature and extent of deep microbial and viral biosphere Reservoirs and Fluxes – identifying the principal deep carbon reservoirs and determining the mechanisms and rate by which carbon moves within these reservoirs and Extreme Physics and Chemistry - focused on improving our understand of the physical and chemical behavior of carbon at extreme conditions. 2
DCO-DS DCO-DS (Data Science) –Collaborators from many different organizations including the University of Rhode Island, Carnegie Institution for Science, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, groups within RPI itself, and many others. –Our work centers around data management and data management planning, data stewardship, data discovery, science informatics, and data infrastructure, and knowledge provenance. –Tasks include the ability of DCO scientists and researchers to register, store, and provide semantic metadata for various data products and research products –Want to give the DCO community, as well as outside interests such as researchers from other projects, students, educators, etc… the ability to learn about the project, discover information about researchers, research organizations, and research products such as publications, papers, presentations, articles; and find and access various data and data products related to the DCO project. 3
Integration Drupal – for collaborative work within the project as well as information about the project and the various groups within the project. It’s a community portal. CKAN – allow scientists to register, and potentially store, data, data products, and research products related to DCO. VIVO – which we hope to be the hub of information for the entire project. A place to discover information about the project; find and access data, data products, and research products; find and read reports generated from research by the DCO community; and more. 5
DCO-DS Architecture 6
Assigning that DCO-ID Assigning a Digital Object ID to every object –People –Organizations –Awards –Projects –Datasets –Specimens –Data Products –Instruments –Sensors –Platforms –Deployments –Documents –Etc… 7
Assigning a DCO-ID 8
Resolves to 10
Use Cases Trends in volcanic gas emission on the scale of regions or arcs can be compared, and interpreted in order to gain insight into the cyclicity of activity and occurrence of eruptions Find researchers from across the Deep Carbon Observatory effort who are interested in researching the causes of a specific phenomenon related to deep carbon reservoirs. I need data for Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations, a climate change indicator, for the summer of 2012, that can be accessed via OPeNDAP Hyrax and plotted as a timeseries. 11
Future Work Authentication and Authorization –Across the different components VIVO, Drupal, and CKAN –OpenID –GeoPass Scalability –100s of billions of triples to be expressed Ingest –Some organizations already have data and metadata, FOAF documents, etc… that need to be ingested into the DCO system Integration –One look and feel –Entry and Edit from one place 12
More Information Deep Carbon Observatory – Tetherless World Constellation – DCO-DS – Thanks –Peter Fox, DCO-DS PI –John Erickson, Staff, RPI –Marshall Ma, Post Doc, RPI –Han Wang, Yu Chen, Boliang Zhang, Xixi Luo, Corey Li 13