CACE Standing Curriculum Meeting CACE Standing Curriculum Meeting
Opening Statement Please mute all devices that may interrupt the conference call
Agenda What are the new standards? Update on new overview of the tracks [ICA's] Heads up that one focus is on leading towards computer science as the silver bullet Whitepaper Framework Ideas Additional Resources Sub Committees
Last Meeting Notes discussed. This organization is working in the same direction of CACE and Kevin asked Sheryl Hale to engage a colleague at CAPSPACE and invite them to one of our meetings Davina discussed our wikispace created to help the committee collaborate. Invites were sent to everyone on the committee. Davina ran through a quick tour of the essential areas of interest. Kevin Rogers reviewed the subcommittees in response to our white paper. Brett Landry suggested we collapse Professional Training/Professional Certifications into one area, as well as the technology components (Articulations, Virtual Labs and LCMS/LMS and RLO) into a technology umbrella. Resulting into four groups; 1) Graduate, 2-4 year undergraduate, Associates Program, 2) K-12, 3) Professional Training & Certifications 4) Technology Components (vlabs, LMS, etc.) Mohsen suggested we identify overlaps within the undergraduate, graduate programs so we can properly address the curriculum needs. Kevin suggested Mohsen chair a subcommittee on workforce ready curricula. Davina to sub chair K-12, Bret and Art co- chair Professional Training & Certification subcommittee. ACM (SIGITE) was discussed in relation to how we tactfully write recommendations that complement and add value to this program via additional options and directions or considerations not currently under the ACM plan. We agreed to gain more insight into to components of the ACM paper. Folks please get logged into the wiki space portal and place comments as needed. Kevin and Davina to provide subcommittees with a first draft deadline.
Action Items for this week Meeting with Michael Lach (DOE) to discuss STEM programs. K-12 programs Certification Bodies POC info; Hord Tipton,ISC2 Jay Bavisi, EC Council Dan Callahan, Comptia Invitation to Industry Volunteers for Whitepaper feedback; Harris, SAIC, TYCO, TechAmerica
Our Objective The objective of the CACE Curriculum Committee is to explore current and proposed efforts in the formal educational landscape to help provide recommendations to comprehensively address the nation's cyberawareness education and cybersecurity workforce shortage
Tracks changed to ICA- Four Initiative Component Areas (ICAs) 1.National Cybersecurity Awareness (ICA) – Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Lead: Public Service Campaigns and Awareness Activities Year Round 2.Formal Cybersecurity Education (ICA) – Department of Education (ED), National Science Foundation (NSF) Co-Leads: [Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), Department of Labor (DOL), DHS supporting]: STEM education programs related to cybersecurity 3.Federal Cybersecurity Workforce Structure (ICA) – Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Lead: [Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) supporting] Federal Workforce – OPM Government Workforce (non-Federal) – DHS Private Sector Workforce – DOL, NIST Defined cybersecurity jobs, attract, recruit and retain strategies 4.Cybersecurity Workforce Training and Professional Development (ICA) – Department of Defense (DoD), ODNI, DHS Tri-Leads: General IT Use – Federal Chief Information Officer Council and DHS IT Infrastructure, Operations, Maintenance & Information Assurance – DoD, DHS Domestic Law Enforcement and Counterintelligence – Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3), National Counterintelligence Executive (NCIX), Department of Justice, and DHS Specialized Cybersecurity Operations – NSA
The NICE Pipeline (CACE to map our response to this)
The NICE Pipeline (Sub Committee’s) DavinaMohsen NEED MORE Art, Brett, Sheryl
CNSS Standards When these will be updated ? They will not be updated. Waiting for NICE to merge CNSS, NICE, & 8570