California Air Pollution Officers Association September 20, 2007 James C. Hankla Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners “Building Bridges to Healthier, Greener Communities”
Challenges at the Port Air pollution from ships, trucks, trains and other equipment threatens public health. This air quality crisis threatens trade and commerce that support hundreds of thousands of jobs.
36.1 mil TEUs (Est.) 16.4 mil TEUs (Est.) 14.2 mil TEUs (Actual) Estimates are based on forecasted consumer demand POLB/POLA Cargo Forecast
Roadway upgrades Terminal improvements Bridge replacement More on-dock rail yards Infrastructure Challenges
Our Biggest Challenge “It’s Not Easy Bein’ Green” -- Kermit the Frog
Protect the community from harmful port impacts Use best available technology Promote sustainability Distinguish the Port as environmental leader Engage the community Green Port Policy
Green Flag ship incentives Green Port leases “K” Line/ITS Matson/SSA Clean diesel locomotives Yard tractor retrofit Green Port Projects
Clean Air Action Plan Ships Locomotives Yard equipment Trucks Harbor craft
CAAP Projects Clean Trucks Program Truck fleet retrofit, replacement Shore-side electricity Yard equipment modernization Alternative technology
Making a Great Port Even Better “ I am green, and it'll do fine. It's beautiful, and I think it's what I want to be.” -- Kermit the Frog
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