Dr. Satoshi Inoue Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies Emeritus Secretary General, International Association of Ports & Harbors (IAPH) World Ocean Forum 2011 Busan, October 26-28
Globalization and Ports Dr. S. Inoue, WOF20112 Globalization Economic Growth Global Risks Cargo increases Ship size growth Supply Chain Mgmt. ICT system Security Climate Change Network Disruption Cyber Hijack Efficiency Sustainability Quality Port
Evolution of Port Climate Action IAPH launched the World Ports Climate Initiative, WPCI, in WPCI is a global platform for port climate action, open to all ports and parties. Missions Raise awareness Initiate studies & actions Share best practices & information Dr. S. Inoue, WOF20113
Ports where all modes meet Dr. S. Inoue, WOF2011 Ocean-going Vessels Heavy-duty trucks Wharf Yard Gate Terminal Railway locomotives Coastal ships Inland ships Harbor Craft Port Const. Equipment Port Authority Industries in port area Passenger cars Light-duty tracks Cranes Cargo handling equipment 4
GHG emissions by port activity ( Port of Los Angeles ) Dr. S. Inoue, WOF20115
IAPH Tool Box for Port Clean Air Programs Web-based planning guide No one-size-fits-all approach Steps & methodologies Measures for each of major emission sources Measures & tools readily available, including application cases and pros/cons Regulations & Legal Requirements Dr. S. Inoue, WOF2011 6
Steps to create climate action programs Dr. S. Inoue, WOF20117 IAPH Tool Box for Port Clean Air Programs
Dr. S. Inoue, WOF20118 Reducing emissions of ocean- going vessels Vessel speed reduction Slowing vessel speed possibly down to 12 knots as approaching or departing a port Fuel consumption proportional to vessel’s speed 3 Reducing NOx, PM and GHGs Clean fuels Requiring use of lower sulfur distillate fuels within the coastal water of a port Reducing PM and SOx Emission control technologies Scrubbing, engine upgrading On-shore Power Supply
On-Shore Power Supply (OPS) Ship emission controls by MARPOL Annex VI entering into force in 2005 and revised in Shut down ship engines completely while at berth In 2007, IAPH set up WG for OPS with ISO In 2009, IEC & ISO adopted PAS for HVSC WPCI published OPS planning guidelines Dr. S. Inoue, WOF2011 9
Environment Ship Index (ESI) ESI evaluates ships in their environmental performance 368 ships and 8 ports has joined this program Dr. S. Inoue, WOF201110
Dr. S. Inoue, WOF Reducing emissions of cargo handling equipment Replace with new engines meeting cleaner standards or buy equipment with cleaner engines Clean fuels Low sulfer fuel, biodiesel, LNG, etc. Electrification Automated vehicles, hybrid yard equipment Emission control technologies Diesel oxidation catalyst, diesel particulate filter, etc.
12 Modal Shift: Challenge of Rotterdam Development of Maasvlake II Towards the carbon-free leader port of the world Reduce 50% carbon emission by 2020 & 80% by 2035 Dr. S. Inoue, WOF2011
13 Committing to Modal Shift Dr. S. Inoue, WOF2011
14 Climate Action as key strategy for the future of the port Container Transfer Port, Albasserdam CCS: Carbon Capture Storage Betuwe Rail Connection Dr. S. Inoue, WOF2011
Principles for successful port climate action Go-together approach Climate action should go together with businesses Get involved everyone from outset Integrated approach Start with Inventory emissions of all port-related activities Develop best mix of approaches Sustainable approach Rather than penalties, provide benefits to participants of climate initiatives Design measures to run in a business-oriented way Dr. S. Inoue, WOF201115
Prepare for Climate Change Impacts - adaptation action “Mitigation” alone is not sufficient, ports must prepare for impacts of climate measures for ports However, lack of scientific information and reliable forecasts of climate impacts on local coasts prevents ports from making decision of “Adaptation”. Risk-management typed approach would be more practical. Dr. S. Inoue, WOF201116
Thank you for your attention For contact: Tel: +81-(0) Fax: +81-(0) Dr. S. Inoue, WOF