Roamer help file: Use this power-point slide to find out more about the buttons on Roamer…
CECE STMWPR[ ] GO CM BASIC ROAMER CONTROLS: Click on the buttons to see what they each do!
FORWARD: Use the yellow buttons to tell Roamer how far to go! CECE STMWPR[ ] GO CM
TURN LEFT: Use the yellow buttons to tell Roamer how far to go! CECE STMWPR[ ] GO CM
BACKWARDS: Use the yellow buttons to tell Roamer how far to go! CECE STMWPR[ ] GO CM
TURN RIGHT: Use the yellow buttons to tell Roamer how far to go! CECE STMWPR[ ] GO CM
CLEAR MEMORY: You need to press this twice before each new set of instructions CECE STMWPR[ ] GO CM
GO: Press go when you are ready to test your programme CECE STMWPR[ ] GO CM
HOW MUCH? These yellow buttons tell Roamer how far to move CECE STMWPR[ ] GO CM
PROCEDURE: You can save a list of commands and use it later CECE STMWPR[ ] GO CM
REPEAT: Sometimes, sets of commands are used over and over again. Use repeat to save time. Click for more info Click for more info CECE STMWPR[ ] GO CM
BRACKETS: Put brackets round the commands you want to repeat CECE STMWPR[ ] GO CM
WAIT: You can make Roamer wait between commands. Make sure you tell it how long for, using the yellow number buttons! CECE STMWPR[ ] GO CM
CLEAR ENTRY: Press this button to get rid of the last command you entered CECE STMWPR[ ] GO CM
MUSIC: Add this command to make Roamer play a note. Press one of the yellow numbers to choose which note! CECE STMWPR[ ] GO CM
OTHERS: Don’t worry about these buttons for now! CECE STMWPR[ ] GO CM
90 42[ ] GO CM [ ] R Remember to click CM twice each before entering new instructions!! Using the repeat function: This will repeat the ‘forward 2 right 90’ commands four times, thus making a square. HOME BACK