The Moodle Reader Module for Extensive Reading Thomas N. Robb Makimi Kano Kyoto Sangyo University Thomas N. Robb Makimi Kano Kyoto Sangyo University
Study Time Required
Main Problems with ER Implementation Purchasing books. Managing books. Getting students to read. Checking that the student have actually done the reading. Purchasing books. Managing books. Getting students to read. Checking that the student have actually done the reading.
Main Problems with ER Implementation Purchasing books. Managing books. Getting students to read. Checking that the student have actually done the reading. Purchasing books. Managing books. Getting students to read. Checking that the student have actually done the reading.
Characteristics of MoodleReader (1) An interface for students to take quizzes on the books that they have read and to keep track of the results. Quizzes for 600+ books, mainly graded readers, can be downloaded and used with the module. Teachers can also create their own quizzes. Students collect a book cover for every book read and quiz successfully passed. The module allows access to books at specific difficulty levels that can be set for each student. Students are automatically promoted to a higher difficulty level after reading a specified number of books. An interface for students to take quizzes on the books that they have read and to keep track of the results. Quizzes for 600+ books, mainly graded readers, can be downloaded and used with the module. Teachers can also create their own quizzes. Students collect a book cover for every book read and quiz successfully passed. The module allows access to books at specific difficulty levels that can be set for each student. Students are automatically promoted to a higher difficulty level after reading a specified number of books.
Characteristics of MoodleReader (2) A configurable feature enforces a time delay between books so that students pace themselves rather than rushing at the end of the marking period. The module can be installed in a school’s own Moodle system, or can be used via a course in the freely available site. Currently being used by about 20 secondary schools and universities. Further information: Username: readerlook Password: takealook A configurable feature enforces a time delay between books so that students pace themselves rather than rushing at the end of the marking period. The module can be installed in a school’s own Moodle system, or can be used via a course in the freely available site. Currently being used by about 20 secondary schools and universities. Further information: Username: readerlook Password: takealook
The Program at KSU Faculty of Foreign Languages All 1 st & 2 nd year students (~400) Faculty of International Culture All 1 st year students (~220) General Education (1 st year, 2x/wk) Oral Communication (~1645) Reading Skills (~1235) 471 students taking both OC & RS Faculty of Foreign Languages All 1 st & 2 nd year students (~400) Faculty of International Culture All 1 st year students (~220) General Education (1 st year, 2x/wk) Oral Communication (~1645) Reading Skills (~1235) 471 students taking both OC & RS
Gen’l Ed Students by Course & Level
Procedure at KSU Students borrow from the Shitei Tosho (reserved books) section of the library They read the book then take the quiz online either in school or at home The must accumulate 5 points by the end of the term. They lose 1 point from their final grade for each book not read, receive extra points for extra books read. Students borrow from the Shitei Tosho (reserved books) section of the library They read the book then take the quiz online either in school or at home The must accumulate 5 points by the end of the term. They lose 1 point from their final grade for each book not read, receive extra points for extra books read.
Choosin g a book from the library
Grade Reader Level Equivalences The San-Dai Level Chart
Student Interface
Student Interface (2)
Quiz Types Multiple Choice Who said this (to who)? True/FalseOrdering (below)
Administrative Functions
Class Overview
Student Book Ratings
Tagging Duplicate Titles
MoodleReader.Org Site
User School Theme
Security Issues
Results to Date
Test Results by Class Level and Books Read
Final Test 2009 vs 2010 (Reading)
Final Test 2009 vs 2010 (Listening)
Time Spent Reading
Quiz Accesses by Hour of Day
Potential for Widespread ER Adoption Curriculum-level implementation Gets many students reading (Good) Teachers may not have “bought in” (Bad) Curriculum-level implementation Gets many students reading (Good) Teachers may not have “bought in” (Bad)
Curriculum-Level Implemetation Decision to implement Incorporation in the syllabus Diffusion of requirements to students Supplying results to teachers for their evaluations Decision to implement Incorporation in the syllabus Diffusion of requirements to students Supplying results to teachers for their evaluations
Changes in School Ecology Network Center – Originally unwilling to add non-standard modules to school Moodle but will now install MoodleReader Library – Budget no longer a problem, but space is! Many students appreciate the chance to do extensive reading (but of course, some hate it). opportunity to inform the Gakucho and deans about the ER program and English curriculum. Network Center – Originally unwilling to add non-standard modules to school Moodle but will now install MoodleReader Library – Budget no longer a problem, but space is! Many students appreciate the chance to do extensive reading (but of course, some hate it). opportunity to inform the Gakucho and deans about the ER program and English curriculum.
Reserve Book Borrowings by 1st Yrs
Future Enhancements Help finding interesting books Based on: Similarity in genre & level Student evaluations Amazon-style “If you liked this book, then try…” Student reviews Teachers can force language use (English) or allow students to use native language Students can evaluate the reviews of other students Teachers can use evaluations for student evaluations Teachers can disallow reviews of other students’ reviews from same school or class Help finding interesting books Based on: Similarity in genre & level Student evaluations Amazon-style “If you liked this book, then try…” Student reviews Teachers can force language use (English) or allow students to use native language Students can evaluate the reviews of other students Teachers can use evaluations for student evaluations Teachers can disallow reviews of other students’ reviews from same school or class
Further Information Further information: Username: readerlook Password: takealook Tom’s Contact Info: Further information: Username: readerlook Password: takealook Tom’s Contact Info: